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Aw man, you ended it just when it was starting to get good! :D Nice to see all them characters working as a team for once, the animation has a comfortable pace even with the zombies are running rampant. What's the music btw? Nice work!


TheLazerSofa responds:

thank you, i know it's shot, i would make it longer but then again, it wouldn't be done in time if it was.
also here is the music he made for me


Now you just need to make one showing how that other bicicle (?) turned into a boat. ;) Great animation as always, though it wasn't as elaborate as some of the battles have been, a bit generic characters too so maybe that plays a part. Hoping for more actors/superheroes/etc in the future, keep it going!


Well that brutal, haha, another nice episode! The blood splatter was surprisingly realistic, maybe done with After Effects? Nice twist at the end, I'm looking even more towards the continuation now. Keep it going!


Haha, Tom got the undies! :D That Alien Hominid at the end is just supremely cute. In fact, all of the NG characters included apart from Pico and Darnless, even the mighty Dad/son beast in the Dead car, are supremely cute. Even though there's plenty of action it never gets real serious, I guess the music helps keep it harmonious all the way, lot of fun though! The only thing I was a bit disappointed with were the explosions, it feels they could have been much more powerful, maybe with some added color, maybe with a shape that really expanded, I'm speaking of the final one especially. Anyway, nice work; Happy Pico Day!


Ah, the days in the life of your typical Otaku. :D That was just awesome, fastpaced and genius. Professional voie acting too, and those expressions... they speak for themselves. I wasn't expecting that ending, and even less so grandma. Nice work!


Nice, short, fun. Reminds me a bit of Zone-tan's news session. The plot is just as non-existant, but still, it doesn't make me smile as much as I'd like too. The characters are unique, but it feels they're personalities don't get much showtime, have they no quirks? No vices? No strange habits that make them entertaining? That puppy video was an unexpected break though. Keep it going!


Woah, bizarre. That main character reminds me of Pikachu somehow, overall shape of the head, the agonizing gaze, heh, contentwise it's a bit like Un Chien Andaleu. Though I'm not sure what I'm getting out of watching this, probably a sense for all things grotesque, it was interesting to watch. The transitions are smooth and a bit creepy, and the animation is slow torture. Nice work!


I guess when Tom says you should submit it, you have no choice! XD I pride myself in giving such great advice first though, hehe. This is actually a lotta fun, though the graphics do leave a bit to be desired. Happy Pico Day!


Gibb50 responds:

He'd have banned me if I didn't! D:

Bamboo Shoots!

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