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Lol, apart from the cheesy ending, this was great. I don't think the concept of stickmen not fighting has been fone before, and this does a great job at just that. The pivot stickman cracks me up, in it's lackingly FPSed form, that's definitely the best part. When they're compared like that, the stickmation is this series is really something else. Keep it going!


Ahaha, now that's how Facebooking should be done! :) Simple pun, but still genius. The voice acting could've been a bit more balanced though, at the start it's really low but towards the end it's almost too sharp. Keep it going!


This seems like the start of greatness! It's off seeing a stickfigure with such a backstory, but it's well worked out, it's both comical and providing in sympathy. The animation is smooth, not so much action, but plenty of content. Keep it going!


All this in one hour? That was an efficiant hour! :D I wasn't expecting more than one skit, but it turns out I got triple the bargain. All original skits and good action. It's simple, yeah, but still great! Keep it going!


A stick... adventure?! :O This was a bit different from the traditional fights. Love the mixture of comedy and action, and combined with regular stick figures. It's like.. well it's strange seeing them act out a story without running all over the place fighting each other. The close-ups, where they turn to real characters, is just awesome. Not sure if this is a recorring thing, but I need to go back and watch the previous episodes now. This was a lot of fun. The only thing that could directly be improved are the dialog boxes, they look a bit square... would also be nice with voice acting for all the characters, but either way, this was fun to watch. Keep it going!


guitan11 responds:

this entire series is different from traditional stick fights XD

Woah, that ending, I didn't expect that! I was thinking the Street Fighter thing would be a flashback into how that chicken learned those moes, hah, nice idea! The mixture of sprites and regular animation works well too, and the transition between them is just perfect. Great work!


Haha, it's like a mixture of Run Lola Run and the movies, everything happening in an infinite loop, kinda. It seems the quality of these versus animations suddenly rocketed with this one, it's not just more variation but some added color (blood) and more of a plot than the others. So many creative battles in the same sequence, nice work!


Hahaha, they should give that guardian some eyes! :D This was just genius, great animation, great sound, greatest idea of the century. Keep it going!


How about submitting the real thing next Pico Day? This worked well as a standalone animation though, it brings up some good points and puns concerning NG future amidst the depression-wallowing and drinking. Pico's voice is a bit slurry at times, but apart from that this is great, looking forward to the real thing!


artistunknown responds:

Thank you so much! It shouldn't take too long to finish the whole thing, so I was planning on submitting it when I finished it, but I guess I could hold it off until next Pico Day if it would be better :D

Awesome, best stick battle I've ssen this year so far. At times the fighting is almost too fast-paced, too fast to really follow, but it stays smooth and logical, varied, and intense. The flashing screen effects when guns are fired look great, the sword shot in with a bullet's a nice finale, and the fighting itself is just... awesome. Wonder if the color-chnage is a DBZ inspired feat? Apart from the animation the logo's a stylish addition too, though it feels it wouldn't need to be so sharp as the background, when you focus on the fight anyway. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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