
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Another great episode! Though the inverview really didn't answer a single question, it does go to show what a creative individual Egorapter is, great acting. :P Great animation, great... everything. I'm looking forward to that new series too, though I never did see the one it was based upon. Keep up the great work!


Woo, another great one! It seems like this is where the real journey begins too. The only unstable thing about these animations are the dialog and voice acting, the volume isn't very balanced between characters and sound effects, and the dialog isn't always easy to see the way the text is colored. Otherwise it just keeps on amazing, great ideas, great animation. Keep it going!


That was an unexpected ending, hah. As always, great ideas, great animation, great work! The voices weren't always easy to hear, but in terms of animation it's just great. Also, the intro animation was so long I started to think there wasn't going to an intro animation in this, hah. Looking forward to the new next ep!


Seem like Stickman can fight a bit in this one, must be all the Christmas spirit! :) The chase for the package is great, the smallfighting varied and fun, and the end... well it's the perfect gift after all. Nice work! :)


It feels like this is the Stickman's natural enviornment, spooky, errie, almost scary, the perfect place for a battle of wits. :D Great ideas, and great animation. Keep up the good work!


Woo, another awesome episode! For a moment I actually thought he would master that hula hula hoop but as it turns out... stickman can't fight. :) I'm surprised at the amount of content you managed to pack into this as well, there's much more here than there was in the previous ones, the ad wasn't joking, and the voice acting is a great improvement too. Keep it going!


Apart from the somewhat sharp quality of the voice recording, this was great. Smooth animation, and the same calm, collected atmosphere as the stickman movies. Great plot too. Keep it going!


This does keep getting better and better! The increase in actual animation instead of only stickmation works well, all the different transitions and effects, and of course the plot which just keeps surprisingly me with the simple genius of each scene. Pushing the boulder there, for example, simple and sublime entertainment. Feels like the search for an element doesn't really fit the stick figure world, it reminds me a bit of Naruto or Avatar, but maybe it'll grow on me. Overall this was great, keep it going!


Nice acronym indeed. Also really nice puns with the Sprite Land in this one, and a new character is introduced! The scream when the new opponent pops up felt a bit misplaced, but apart from that this was, as always, great fun watching. The victory music, the red stickman advice, it all builds up a great atmosphere. Keep it going!


Haha, a battle of epic proportions! :D The combination of regular stick figure animation and real faces is just awesome, and plenty of memes to mix in, trollface, the... well that's the only name I know, but they're all awesome. I'll be moving on to the next episode, keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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