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So that's how they spend their free time, heh. Not that this was spectacularly funny, but the transition from real to dolls was unexpected, and the animation real smooth. Keep it going!


Well that ended rather suddenly. I am looking forward to the next episode though, the fact that this has both OP and EP is pretty neat, and it mimicks the anime-atmosphere nicely as well, though it's always odd looking at something like this and not hearing Japanese voices, heh, bad habit. Contentwise this reminds a bit of Love Hina, it's got the same initial backstory, but I guess things will spin off in a completely different direction from now on. Looking forward to it!


That hiphop tune towards the end has gotta be the best part of this, nice remix on the vocals! :D The plot fast and hilarious, nice work!


Some people are just too tought for the world to handle, haha, this was just awesome. Don't know what else to say about it, it's both violent and comical, and fluent. Good graphics, good voices, keep it going!


Well that was both sad and beautiful. The sketchy style of animation looks good, the atmosphere simple but all the people full of expression. That female voice was a bit low though, had to turn up the volume a bit to hear her, could've been balanced bettern in comparisson to ther voices. But either way, this was great, hope the next animation won't be 3 years off. :) Keep up the good work!


This mixture of animation and techno is just awesome, and that beam of light from the butterflies, it's like a sneak peak into some kind of strange robotic dimension. Awesome transitions, and great detail in the drawing. Hope there'll be more of the Iron Forest, and it's dwellers!


Beautiful, and with Hania's song... even more beautiful! I recognized that one as soon as it kicked in. The style of drawing has a rather dreamy touch to it, it works well; looks good. Keep it going!


The controler being controled, huh, that was an interesting twist. I was expecting something with a noose, but this was different. Great animation, great voicing, and a pretty eerilie realistic finale. Makes me think of the future world in Wall-E, everything covered in trash, nobody fit for control. Kinda similar concept but... different. Great work!


Ah, so that's the story behind them dwarfs! XD The ending was a nice twist, and all the angles in the animation pretty interesting. like the pointed finger, that crazily cool stance, close-ups, distance shots, plenty of action. Keep it going!


Haha, the secret behind Tetris is revealed! :D I was wondering how anyone would be able to defeat an endless stream of blocks, but that turned out good. So I guess, this is really Contra VS Bowser. :P Keep up the good work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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