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It's missing... an end! Great start, but what's the pun? Where's the fun? What happens? Animation and voice acting is flawless though, keep it going!


lmao, that ending! Simple animation, genius idea. Keep it going!


Woo, another great dose of action! I'm glad it's back to the original wild and dangerous style of carnage, and the addition of plot's a welcome entry, too, I didn't mind the lack of it, but now that a story has emerged it seems all the more exciting. Also appreciate the subtitles. :) The mixture of experiment subjects, ninjas, egents, the odd characters... it's a perfect blend. So much variation, so much detail, so fluid animation. Looking forward to the next one!


Awesome experiment! It's not like the traditional FBF animations out there, not only in how the color's a choice of the user, but in how there's plenty of tweens and transitions mixed in, and I'm unsure if some of these effects are programmed particle effects or if it's all frame by frame? Also wondering, to use these different colors, is only the background color changed, and everything else is black? And is it changed through actionscript or is each color a seperate sequence of frames? That'd be interesting to know, overall this was a fun experience, varied, long, with ambient music and empowering motion, full of force. Keep it going!


BryanV responds:

Thank you! Everything's made with Flash. The particles were done frame by frame (which was a very fun experience for me ). Initially, everything would be black and white. I then placed a colored movie clip on top of everything and gave it a blend mode of Multiply which pretty much turns everything white into the color of the movieclip.

Haha, a bit of a gap in power there! :D I remember the Paladin series, been ages since I watched that... this did a nice job mimicking the original style too, though I seem to remember the real one didn't have so dark outlines, I'll have to go back to that some time. Nice work!


Yeah! Battle! It's like a mixture of Madness and Poninjas, though not so fast-paced. The blood and gore's detailed and good, but the fights could last longer. Would be good with a more button-looking button too, the Continue is styled the same as the text, but apart from that minor detail it was a good watch. Keep it up!


Heh, that was entertaining, Yoshi as both friend and foe. :D The dialog was a bit hard to read, so small, but apart from that it's all fun. Nice work!


makes me want to play the game, this does. :) I like the graphics, usually I'm not much for gradients, but in this one they're used perfectly, to convey such a sense of detail it almost looks as if some of the characters abnd architectural works (like the castle) are 3d models. That's something that makes this stand out amongst the rest. And the plot, that's good too, it'd be inspiring even without the Matrix music. Great work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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