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Can relate. XD Usually helps to breath out and THEN hold your breath though, course these guys are doing it all wrong! Another shorter-than-usual but entertaining little sketch.


Was starting to think that sounded a lot like Game Grumps... but hey, a stream I didn't know about! :D They got the voice impressions spot on. Entertaining short (and stylish intro, oldskool).


shibasquish responds:

Thanks! And yeah,I was pretty amazed too when they just whipped these impressions out during the stream since these guys never did any other kinds of impressions before

Seems like more still imagery than animation for the most part, mainly head movements and partial motions... I feel like it'd benefit from some more movement, motion to match the music, even if the drawings do look pretty good! Maybe in another year! :)


This really brings a new side to the story... the characters behind the chaos. Not so much their reasons (though they list them on paper it doesn't really seem to say the whole truth) as their personalities, and all that led up to that one event... it feels sad not so much because of how it turned, as we already know it did, but because of how it all could have been if only they chose another path... or if someone intervened before it all went down. Makes you wonder if it COULD have gone differently though, or if they were as heavily influenced by games and movies as they seem to be; used their circumstances as an excuse to do what they did... seems so unreal. Still so unfathomable that someone would do what they did because of the reasons they state, and especially when they seemed to have friends, when they knew each other, when people knew them... either way this was an an unexpected kind of glimpse into their lives. Feels... melancholy. Falling leaves. The title suits it well.


The realm of angels really wasn't how I envisioned it! Beasts and beauty all in one... and fierce battle! I like the sketchy style, and the motion/action. It really flows well. Not always all too detailed, but always fluent and vibrant with life and viciousness. If there's any one thing to improve I'm thinking the main character looks a bit... simple. Not only when in motion, but with facial close-ups and such too. Otherwise this was great. Action all the way, myth, and a moody atmosphere.


That shady sniper's really got some insane skills! Could it be... as much precision and point as Prosnorkulus has the power? :O Interesting characters, and you really turned the violence into an art form too. Looking forward to the next (which is probably out by the time I leave this review)!


A pretty massive battle... until Christmas spirit comes into the picture and everything is...happy? XD Nice twist.

Not sure the real-world footage fits in with all scenes - sometimes the contrasts just seem too big, but overall it's an interesting hybrid, and the fighting really comes across in its full intensity! All's well that ends well, too. Definitely one of the more unique Christmas animations I've seen so far! Nice one.


I guess this is what it feels like to really immerse yourself in a game! XD Entertaining sketch, though the explosion felt downplayed a bit - and the black stick is just standing still (even though he seemed to be jumping up to meet the punch?) to take the hit... do like ambiguity at the end though, no Game Over, just a stylish barrel roll back into the real world. Good stuff.


ReddieAnimates responds:

Thank you for your review! I'll try to improve on the aspects you mentioned that were below par. Everyone's criticism is greatly appreciated!

Really digging the chunky pixel style! :D And isometric angle, too... and the ending twist, most of all. Hope everyone at the end of that cliff deserved the same fate, though. :) And if you wait... they just keep coming down! Entertaining little sketch.


Smooth music and smooth animation to go with it! All with stylish silhouettes to animate the sound. Gets faster and faster the further it goes... really smooth movements, and I was going to ask how you made them so natural-looking but... that explains a lot! Explains other animations I've seen in the past too, since I don't think the rotoscoping technique's been mentioned in any of those before. Nice work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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