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Well that was random! Sounds almost like a Game Grumps sketch, like something snatched out from an unrelated sketch and then appended animation... is it? Doesn't seem like there's any reference to such a thing in the description though... overall a random but entertaining animation, though out of context not always all that fun. Some good moments though!


TheMartoon responds:

Yep That's pretty much what it is,sorry I probably should have made that more clear but yeah it's from an English Youtuber called "Memeulous" who asked me to animate some of the best parts from his club penguin series with his friend "Joshy". Heres the first video from the animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IbUav-uF5do&t=22s

Can't say I recognize that constant cycle of beer references, but if that is the secret formula here it does explain that cycle of continual country blues! XD A country song with a message, sort of...


Hmm a strange species has been discovered... a fatalistic breed with a severe allergy for the musa acuminata? Or maybe one whose heads explode upon self-replication, as to stop their limitless spread? Or maybe it's not cloning, but teleportation, from the future... powered by bananas... in which case the alternation of the time-space continuum might have caused this drastic side effect!

Whatever the deeper meaning here: awesome work. XD


So this was made back in... 1846? :P Entertaining short, though when that cat pops up at the end there the Gnome seems somewhat surprised... like he's not sure if he can take on the cat or not, like he wonders if the cat had any part on his purgatory, like he doesn't know into which world he just entered... trying to figure out what his expression tells, but considering he just went through hell maybe any fraction would be a natural reaction! Love the idea, and the fluent movement with the animation too. Mood builds up nicely.


LiamJMWilson responds:

The original story was that the garden cats had created this purgatory for him. However as we ran out of time before our hand in at university, that last shot didn't really get the attention it needed so it doesn't really tell the story as we planned. Thank you for commenting.

The day the hamsters turn to capitalism! XD Nice also. Also really digging that live action hamster outro... stopmotion style? Nice work!


Such a wonderful, imaginative short... the bright and ambient music in the background really brings you in to his world too! Really smooth work, and then the ending... it seems like a commercial for... a turtle?! The name made it seem like something else, but apart from that little disassociation: the adventure's just fantastic.


Wondering if this might be the best sketch yet... almost seems like the more violent it gets the more entertaining! XD Rock solid entertainment with puns that really bounce around, though do hope there's some pretty heavy exaggeration involved!


Was hoping this would be like those old sessions where Foamy actually sings! Turned it wasn't so but... entertaining sketch.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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