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That text on the intro screen's a bit outside the screen, but as for the animation itself, it's great! You'd think something with so detailed sceneries and characters could use a more graphical intro sequence as well, good stuff!


Woo, it's a classic! Can't believe I haven't reviewed this earlier. Looking back at it, the animation isn't as amazing as I remember it, but the style is definitely pretty unique, detailed characters and sceneries, even if the motions are that smooth. The ending's just as unexpected as last time too, wonder what happened to those other unicorns... nice work!


Hmm, a list of all the ways you can commit suicide? Well that was a bit... twisted, to say the least. At first I thought it was just depressing, but it turns out there's a morbid joke thereafter. Good idea but eh, nothing I can really laugh at.


Woo, all those things you can buy! The photoshopped MastaCard was pretty good btw, probably the most impressive detail of the commercial, looks just like the original. Fun idea!


One of the more compelling reasons to vote I've seen! If politicians at least were this honest the world might be a better place... maybe. I can think of many cuter puppy breeds btw, Rottweiler (hope I spelled that right) isn't one I'd personally care the most about, but apart from that it's a Flash with a Moral. Nice work!


Woo, another great Madness animation! I'm thinking some of the effects could've been more detailed, the frames per second could've been a bit more, and the text could've been something else than just standard fonts... but apart from that, it's good action. Keep it going!


That's one detailed explosion! Had to watch it twice to get the pun, but when it's all said and done the finale is the best part after all. Great animation, the joke... not that laughable in this one. Keep it going!


Hahahaaa, man! I don't think I've laughed this much at any sprite animation before. The screen is tiny, but this goes to show that the screen size doesn't decrease the entertainment value at all. Some of the cases are more entertaining than others, but each one is just as random as the previous. It never slows down either, it's just one after the other. Awesome work!


Haha, that second clip, lmao... and then dinosaurs! Each stunt is crazier than the next one, as well as the sports they represent. Love the variation, the idea... and most of all how there's no unneceary screaming or splatter, it's all deadly sport, but still always entertaining. Nice work!


Haha, what a sudden ending! Just getting kicked out of the plane in mid-air like that.. it could be a fatal continuation. O_o Great animation and a random plot, and Egoraptor's involved too! Looking forward to the next ep!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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