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Woah, ten years and still going strong! Congrats on the anniversary! I've been her exactly ten years since yesterday too, time flies. Twas a great episode, great animation, great voice acting, a story full of random twists and turns, and that Xbox pun lmao, nice work! Here's to another ten!


Zero-End responds:

Thank you very much, and congratulations to you're 10 years as well!

Really wasn't expecting that ending! Is this really Charles Mason-made music? :O Animation was great, imaginative and simple, and went well with the sound. Keep it going!


YULFO83 responds:

Thanks! yes Manson was acyually friends with Dennis Wilson from the Beach boys.he was using him to get into the music industry so that he can spread his word to the masses.

lmao, poor Josh. Well baseball's no tradition in other parts of the world, but this was still easy to relate to, probably in all the different types of personas, and the coach who cares more about winning than the team. Hilarious stuff, keep it going!


Oh man, I remember watching this earlier. I wrote a review for it back then, which probably turned out better than this one... why the account deletion? It's a good animation, detailed and satiric, though personally I don't relate much to it, haven't played the game. Keep up the good work!


Haha, that was awesome, and the end... the moment where they were just staring each other down like a Mexican stand-off, that was great, so much detail in the drawing. I was thinking the germ would get sick from eating the humans btw, but this turned out great. Keep it going!


Death and Co seem to be having a good time! As always the animation's flawless, voice acting lawless and the plot is lollest of all this. Shame it ended so fast though, just when the music was kicking in and... great things could've started happenin¨. Keep it up!


Oh wow, craziest GTA video so far! The level of detail and fludity in those explosions, cars getting blown up, chaingun spewing out destruction, it's all surreal. That'd have been enough, but it takes a turn for comedy too, the brighter side of life in the Los Santos vibe. And getting suntan? lmaoo, awesome animation, awesome voice acting, awesome work!


Another great detective story! Wonder why butter specifically is the drug in this case, maybe there's some reference here that I'm not getting? :/ Storyline was both clever and random, as always, great dialog and animation, and the final explosion haha. Nice work!


This was awesome, both song and animation. I love the soft style of drawing, mostly without outlines, with sketchy yet detailed backgrounds, and such professional sound! Melodic, musical, varied, surprising... always with the animation to back it up, and plenty of comedy contained therein. Just small details like throwing the drumsticks on the drumset, and falling down the waterfal, and Chang (I guess?) waking up, haha. Beautiful work!


TommyVF responds:

:) Thank you cery much.

Bamboo Shoots!

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