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Ah, alien planet... at first I was thinking they'd gone back to an ancient civilization of Earth, that lost era when aliens roamed this place and getting captured like that lmao, justice. Makes me wonder if the mice might've been the original time travelers and not just test subjects hmm, it would be a full circle then. Nice work!


MisterHerbal responds:

Your first thought was the correct one cd. They've gone far back when aliens roamed the earth before leaving it without leaving any trace.

Is this a series? If not then it definately could be! The end was pretty unexpected, lmao. :D Great animation, great voice acting, and a rather random set of events, yet not without that red line to guide it. Being stranded on an island's never been as eventful as this. :P Keep it going!


Well that was... random! :D I like the FBF animation, and the simple outlines work well, but it would be even nicer with smoother FPS, keep it going!


This gaming being..? Well whatever it was, it was a fun watch! Keep it going.


Wonchop responds:

Assuming you were meant to say "this game being...?", the answer is Dynamite Headdy, a platformer made by Treasure for the Mega Drive/Genesis. It's on Wii VC and Ultimate Genesis Collection and is totally reccomended.

Nice moves! After a while it's pretty clear the characters are all looped, but the animation's slick and the music is great. Would've been cool with a more linear animation though, with shifting backgrounds, some kind of progression with the characters? Nice work though!


Ogilvietheblue responds:

So true. The next video will definitely contain more animated scenes. Learning experience +5 on this upload. Experimenting with a lot of dancing and technical animations. The next video will have a more concentrated effort!

Fastpaced and awesome! :D I thought it was Tenacious D at first, Thomas Frost sounds like an awesome artist. Nice work!


There's probably some game pun included in this that you won't get unless you play the game, but the animation's awesome, the voice acting's great, the whole plot's pretty laid-back and fun. Nice work!


Awesome work! The atmosphere does build up in this, glad it takes its time to introduce the place and the workings of characters here lurking. So many random things going on too, and that zombie with an arm stuck in his nose, lmao, details that make a difference. :D Looking forward to the next part!


WooleyWorld responds:

Lol... that's my neighbor. I told him I'd put him in.

Anoter genius time paradox! The asshole doesn't seem that big an asshole as I'd expected though, but I guess the title wouldn't have been the same without it! Great voice acting, great animation. Nice work!


Watched the animation first without rading the translation, and a second time after reading it, what a different experience you can get with each one. :) I like the randomness, but the narration feels strangely distant to the animation, maybe you could add some background music/sound, and change the narrative voice depending on the scenery? Animation is great but the narration is a bit plain. Though since it's just for friends maybe that's overkill to ask for, it's a nice idea, keep it up!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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