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The voice acting makes me think of the Muppets, that one sounds exactly like... like one of them. It's all great though, and the idea... random fun! The laughing close-up was pretty creepy though, but apart from that, great work!


Oh man, this was just awesomely random. :D Good thing I've watched a trailer for that Shingeki no Kyojin anime or I'd have no idea what it was all about. The teardrop dropping was awesome, and how Goku just pops up out of nowhever, lmao, great work! The animations fluent and effective, and the sound effects are perfect, though there's a bit much clipping on some of the louder ones. Btw, first facial expression looks a lot like sexual-lobster, intentional inspiration? Nice work!


This was a fun animation, no unnecesary slaughter, no getting-chased out with a butcher knife, just a randomly comical situation and some outburst of teenage angst to unite the two main/minor characters. I like the light style of drawing, and good voice acting. Nice work!


Looks like this could be the start of something awesome. It's a short trailer/teaser, but it conveys some interesting elements. Reminds me a bit of the Girl & It, thjough no girl. Looking forward to it!


PiratePudding responds:

I have no idea what "The Girl and it" is, but if you look again there are three girls in this trailer! Granted, one of them is made androgynous on purpose in her scene, but it' a girl alright! ;)

Thank you for the compliment, I shall endevour to make the film as good as I possibly can!

Another really atmospheric piece, this time with a both psychological and factual theme, feels like I'm learning something now. The toxic gas makes for an awesome effect, and there's some action mixed in with the narrative. These aren't long, but they're good. Keep it going!


buriedantenna responds:

That's a great review, thanks a lot :D It's really valuble to find out how the episodes and the wider themes are coming across.

Haha, this series keeps surprising! It's another awesome journey, complete with time paradox and perfect explenation for a set of seemingly mysterious and random events. Though I do wonder why that giant switched the signs... will there be a continuation I wonder? Keep up the great work!


lmao, quite a trip he gets from that grass! :D This animation was awesome, random, slick and creative... and how he starts hovering, defying gravity, his eyes glowing like headlights lmao. Makes me happy super funky fresh it does. Nice work!


This was different! The layers of imagery and hazy effects look awesome, great typography, voice acting like Max Payne... looks like the start of something interesting!


buriedantenna responds:

Thanks a lot. It's interesting to hear about the specific elements that stood out to you. I'll pass that review of the voice acting on to Brian ;)

Well this was a different kind of learning than I expected, it starts off somewhat melancholy, but it's not till the end you really realize what's happened, see the zombies turn to lost friends, the main character give up... when I saw the "This way" message at first I was thinking it'd be something comical the way she was going the wrong way, but it's all but comical. Though there's really not much animation, the music/picture combo is beautiful. Effectual and atmospheric. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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