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I do wonder what said controversies might've been humm!

Unapologetic huh.


I think I missed some details in those classic games. XD The mouse voice acting bit felt a little hazy quality-wise, but good stuff otherwise!


JoelMayer responds:

Hey thanks for your response! I agree, the rats voice isn‘t that high quality since it is taken from a panel discussion with David Lynch, where he actually said that :) Original can be found on YouTube: „David Lynch likes cheese“ Thanks again!

Detail level's really something. :) Somewhat missing point or more impressionable comedy as far as the prank goes but: well presented.


I can handle cringe! XD Though was expecting worse with that warning!

Even your very first stick animation was good fun, and the first Naruto one: I wonder if that might've been inspired by Poninjas too? It's an NG-based spin-off series a bit like Madness if it's not inspired by that - characters seemed a bit like this... but maybe that's just a general Chibi style. Miko Miko hmm... she looks a bit like Sakura. :)

That fly one was crazy, Narutard more nostalgic than cringe. XD Did I see a 'woot' and 'ownage' in there too!111 And Gundam, man... nostalgia levels are higher and higher! Some experimental angles with the 100 Hits one, it really seems to start getting better around that point... Sandra was awesome! Fight scenes were awesome. Wish I could've seen that 50 Hits one for real.

Had a good laugh with the bonus too. :) Really fun to see something like this; in a way relive the glory days as a whole... you delve into so many both franchises and styles I remember from my early times here. Was into a lot of anime too, and those simple stick figure animations of the past were really pretty fun sometimes. Feel an urge to go back and watch some more after this...

Nice selection and creative way to showcase it too! Whatever you're working with now maybe there'll be another set of potential nostalgia down the line hmm? :) Hope so. Though the cringe seems long gone with the latest!


Who knew this shit could be so interesting. XD


Move like a bird, sting like a... buffalo/bison/beast of similar caliber? :P

This was great. Wonderfully wacky style and friendly ending, and if this was all manually painted then soo much work put into it too. Just sometimes feel like the pace is maybe a little unnecessarily slow. Some scenes take their time on expressions, and pans, and motions that don't always seem to do or imply anything. Even if there's no tension, or build, or any really perceptible emotion/reason to stay in the moment. Like maybe it's more so because the art is so thorough it needs time to breath. That's the only thing I feel could be a bit more polished.

Awesome work overall; Happy Boxing Day!


thecigarliker responds:

It was in fact manual painted! Lots of Gouache. Thanks for the great review!

This was incredible. So captivating. So polished. So fluent and full of fire and life, the colors carrying the scenes, moving from one element to the next, from flower to animal, the world we somewhat know yet all the more alive and vibrant... an ode to Mother Nature? The tree of life? To Earth and science and all intertwined? Feels essential somehow. Ancient. Like the foundation for everything. And beautiful. Amazing work.


GVlash responds:

Wow, incredibly well worded. Thank you ! ♡

Those symmetrical scenes really took this to another level. :) Plot progression's maybe not entirely obvious all the way but it's cool you manage to follow along without real speech for the most part, and the style's a fascinating one! Appreciate the frame by frame too, feels like a lot of work went into each bit. What a trip.


Well that didn't go like it was supposed to! XD

Can't complain though. So well done. Stopmotion. Brooding music. Felt like a full movie. Gets me back in that old Re-Animator kind of mood too, like an ode to a bygone generation of wonky horror that both managed to entertain and disturb you so much at the same time. Nicely done.


Bamboo Shoots!

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