Ain't that the truth! Bit of a short one though.
Ain't that the truth! Bit of a short one though.
Alright alright, not exactly what I was planning on watching today but why not! Still got those twists. Still managed to entertain somehow. With the falling noise I was expecting Albino to fall on instead of that crown btw but... not disappointed. Props on unexpected. Sometimes. Good stuff.
If the Icon of Sin just aimed better it'd really have no problems. :) Good fun man. Design is pretty cool dude, cuts like a crew do...
Is this what it feels like to hit 24...? I like to believe it didn't feel all that bad. XD
What a vibe though...and The Caretaker playing in the background, woah, feels like this birthday's a few decades ahead of its time... but interesting animation...
Can't wait to see more of this! It like Feels a bit like Gildedguy and Brackenwood merged in a stickfigure world... so good. The pace. The story. The choreography. Visuals. Timing...
Feels wholesome! Atmospheric too. Can't wait for the next bit.
lmao. XD The sound effects here are on point! Voicing too. Timing too. I could watch this all day but if it really went on all day then hmm... maybe not. Looped this a few times though
The flood starts well.
I like his style! XD And the animation style.. Voicing's great too though a little hard to hear some of it. Short but good fun!
Thank you! Sometimes it can be too quiet so I have to yell, and when I yell people say it’s too loud so it hard to get an in between sometimes... :P (Although this one seems to be fine to me)
What a wonderful way to start this month now. :)
Not only is there a potentially fantastic Flash Flood now rising, but it's also so perfectly in line with the Flash February and Forward thing this year you'd think it was timed for ditto! For the resurrection of that momentarily slightly-less-popular file format that has yet to truly stand the test of time, and is really the impeccable choice to hold detail-rich showcases such as this. Though that bulk carrier may be sinking and its hold is smote it's a noble goal to keep that other metaphorical boat afloat! And who doesn't enjoy some spam with the jam now mmm...
This turned out just as grand as I hoped it would, with always incredibly elaborate dashboard (do ships have dashboards? Instruments maybe) design and all, great script too, you gotta love that ending. Even if the ending's just the beginning now. Or the start of the ending. A means to an end.
Twas an honor to play a part in this narration of commencing Clock-related greatness! And looking forward to what more this month may have in hold for us. That is a pretty big carrier now...
Maybe not the best fan mail segment but always a good one!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04