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lol, different type of satire in this one. I do agree there's an excessive waste of food in the world, but maybe that's not the point after all? :P Interestiong style on the graphics; a moral in there too. Keep it going!


Blordow responds:

Nah, I'm not particularly trying to prove a point I just thought it'd be funny to use a bit of hypocrisy hehe

Looks like viruses may be evolving and a new era of malware that wears and tears our peers is soon to be here. O_o Creative idea, some interesting visual artifacts involved in the animation and an ending that... seems pretty hopeful! Nice work.


MisterHerbal responds:

Thanks cd! again with your awesome constructive reviews!

Can't say I recognize the characters, or the music, or even remotely relate the idea to something I've ever seen before (but innovation is a good thing). This was awesome though, and much longer than I expected it to be. The animation's slick, but the best part is the intensity, in sound and character. it keeps the viewer engaged, and that's some funky music. Nice work!


Haha, them crazy girls! :D This was another awesome animation, you see? The hobbit-like villager, the vicious wizards, that pompous sword fight, nose ring lmao, even some coincidentiall rhyming with the brave night Balgar/lame knight outsmar-ted... all those details amount to one more epic tale in what seems to be a parallel universe of Balgar & Co. And the monster provides a considerable cliff-hanger. Looking forward to the continuation!


Woo, party! But it's not even the final day yet... what might be the cause of this majestic celebration? Random reason for inspiring use of Chicken Party Song? Whatever the reason - keep it going!


Pop-Tart responds:

Each year we pick a day to honor those who survived a full month in the previous floods. PhantomCat had a movie deleted last year so I had to pick on him. But yes, I wanted to use that song for a while now. ;D

Daily award for a speedpaint?! I never thought this day would come... Art processes are always interesting to follow (and that's some good music too) but I'd personally rank the creative process behind something with a story much higher, but anyway, nice work. Wasn't expecting that MLP theme.


SenpaiLove responds:

Thank you for your opinion

That Ben's a madman man! Tearing the flesh off innocent philandering loose cannon drunks, touching old mens hearts (metaphorically), bashing in doors as if they were made of rice paper... I can only imagine what happened on the other side before he bust into the random bubble of a business these main two characters were priorly engaging in lively discussion within. O_o Creative, fearful craze and carnage. Nice work!


Sexual-Lobster responds:


lmao, that final punchline. You really manage to make the most out of these scenarious; recycle certain themes so it all just feels genius. Camping at a camp site? Nah, you should've gone out in the wild! Lived of raw fish and berries for a while, had a great adventure! :D Anyway, great watch.


Haha, surprise! :D Great animation, great sound, and a harmlessly entertaining twist at the end there. Keep it going!


Hehe, that was random. When he stuffs the pick-axe up his nose it's like there's a hole in his face or something, it doesn't look like his nose at all. The mouth's easier to keep track of. Animation's fluent overall and just.. random, don't know if there's a point or not but it's a fun short. Btw, was this initially made for the Flash Library episode on mining that never happened? I made something as well, guess I should get to submitting... nice work!


artistunknown responds:

Yeah, it was random and wasn't meant to have any sort of point. Just felt like having fun making something silly for once, heh. I can see what you're talking about with his nose. I guess I need to work on making distorted things look a bit more like what they were before the distortion. And yeah, this was originally made for that Flash Library. I don't know what happened to it, but it was never made so I just decided to submit this. I did have fun with it so I guess that's what matters :3
You should submit your part too, I can't wait to see it.
Thanks for the review!

Bamboo Shoots!

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