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A new take on the clay-style! Really nice. There were some neat effects in this that I don't think I've seen used before, like the panning at the start of the movie (guess it was all shot from a distance, and then panned using a tween or something like v-cam?), and the running blood, must've taken a lot of shots to make that fluent when the characters were moving (?). It's smooth overall, stylish in the different angles, the stage and everything, with suitable music. And the scenario is a classic. Nice work!


lol. The idea has potential, but it feels like it's a bit wasted on a couple of ratatas and some bird scat. Was expecting a scene where some wild monster does something, but hoping it'd happen in animated form. Maybe some legendary Pokemon dives down and just swallows him whole, or a swarm of ratatas leap out the grass with a ra-ta-ta kind of sound, rapid fire ya know? and burrow bloody holes in his body. Something a bit more intense. Could've skipped some of that dialog and spent in on the final scene IMHO, but anyway, great idea; good work on dialog/expressions.


Narwelch responds:

Fair enough. Those ideas are pretty good, but I probably wouldn't have been able to make them look good though to be honest. I still have a lot to learn about animation, so I just went with something a little more simple.

lmao, he might need a hand indeed. Simple genius!


Hmm in they are not wizards then hmm, what are they?! Whatever they be, twas another great episode!


Woo, pretty spooky episode! You managed to get atmosphere just right, perfect balance between sound and visuals. good dialog, good plot.... well good everything, good watch.


This is pretty cool! The running animation was a bit odd when he was running towards the ship, from a dstiance, and when he gets in he stands with legs wide apart when seen from indoors and close together from the back, bit of an inconsistency there. but otherwise the animation was surprisingly smooth. The attacks land; seem powerful, it's all effectual and fast-paced, great battle. I'm thinking some of the cries of rage could've been longer, maybe add some echo and reverb to enhance the effects? But it is good, one of the most fluent fights I've watched in a while. Keep it going!


Kofdizz responds:

Yeah, a lot of those of those issues you mentioned were due to time constraints. This was my senior thesis piece, and after graduation, the only thing I had access to was the programs for the VFX. My voice actors and the Cintiq I used for all the line work weren't available at that point. Thank you so much for your review, man, I appreciate it!

lol, that first Dutch accent sounded almost pakistani for a while... hmm btw, without money, how were you going to buy pizza in the first place? Apart from this apparent inconsistency this was a fun adventure!

And damn that's a large audience you've got going, do you tell the same stories live as you do with these animations? Keep up the good work!


Who... who does that?! lmao, strange superheroes nowadays. Animation's gone; voice acting's good; randomness is refreshing; super-hero idea is... eh, interesting. :P Keep it going!


You don't happen to feel like doing songs for more random people do you? This was a nice song, the strange lyrics contrast creatively with the really professional singing voice, and the animation's just great fun, Nolan bruising his head in the beggin-ing lmao, could only go uphill from there. :D Awesome work, really awesome.


Looks like something to look forward to! Violent, fun and professional (and it really is a real teaser I hope). Nice work!


hbrunav responds:

Thanks! Thats what I enjoy animating :P. Its really a teaser, but the real episodes won't be that long also, something around 2-4 minutes.

Bamboo Shoots!

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