
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Haha, so much going on within tthe mind! :D Innovative way of making a party entertaining, at the start I was wondering if that main character was actually some form of humanoid gundam but it seems it was all a highly visual figure of thinking. Nice work.


Another awsome episode of epic proportions! I didn't really get what happened with the evil mage and the donkey at the end, but I guess I must've missed some key element with how the ring works. The final battle was intense, the super-widescreen idea crazily innovative, and so many other entertaining details along the way! Awesome work.


Cute. :D No idea whatever's going on here, but whatever it is it's exectued with such finesse and cuteness that it's like an escapede of pure awesomeness; has me looking forward to the bigger picture. I want it meow! Nice work.


Woo, this could be the premise of a pretty awesome eighties action movie, it's got that synthetically super-powered synth, the cars, the cops, the hostage... it's a new world for the Mario Bros! Wish the series from the same day and age would've looked more like this and less like... it did. O_o The Yoshi-transformation was pretty neat, the guarded golden mushroom, Bowsers somewhat uniquely angled throne-room... it paints the game in new colors, and smooth animation too. Nice work!


lol, with drugs all world's become different. This was pretty entertaining apart from that crazily overclipped dialog, even if it is intentional the sharp sound doesn't go well with my speakers, keep it going!


Blordow responds:

haha im glad u saw thru the distortion, you're a champ m8

lmao, he's in trouble now! Maybe he can reach that tool that spiraled off into space, tie some kind of chord to it, throw it back to the other dude and haul himself in! :L Nice work.


lmao, things that (hopefully) won't ever happen in the real world! :D It starts off with a blast, and that could've been the one pun right there - but it just keeps going. Entertaining selection of scenarious, complete with loading circle transitions, and those eyes... nice work!


Jameserton responds:

Thanks for the kind words Cyberdevil. You're the most frequent reviewer I see on Newgrounds. Appreciate you taking the time; keep up the good work.

lol, antigravity cat doesn't do much at all, seems the main character does most of the doing, the cat's kinda just... hanging around. Awesome animation though; voice acting, and all of a sudden an unexpected dive into a... sea of pee? O_o Haha, this could make for a series... nice work!


Carbonwater responds:

Thanks man!
-thumbs up-

Haha, that was intense! I'm sure there are some references here that I'm not getting for not viewing the series, but the more serious street-fighting take on the Pokemon battle, and the tragic finale... really brings a new tone of seriousness to the series. The final Pikachu unmasking brings back the comedy though. Nice work!


lol, asking an old lady? Well I don't get the point, but it was real smoothly done. Voice acting and animation, like the way he just sinks and pops up in the picture, and that really detailed grandma view too. Nice work!


MAJ1CK responds:

Yeah, the script could have done with some more work, I'm glad you liked the rest.

Bamboo Shoots!

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