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It was great, the animation and the emotion, and the music of course, but I'm still left wondering exactly what it's about. Why's he fighting? Who's he fighting? Was that the home he grew up in? Some of the fighting motions aren't the most fluent, but overall it flows nicely. Good work!


LeffsHanid responds:

I appreciate the constructive critique, Thanks! I will admit, I was a bit over ambitious with this flash. My skills aren't up to par yet. But I hope you stick around to see what I got, as my skills grow!

lmao, sad thing about this is how true it is! Incredibly annoying seller/caller, but still incredibly entertaining to watch at the same time. Nice work!


But what does this all mean?! Man it was a crazy trip, either a trip into the mind or a trip as in a trip... through strange world that could be figments of imagination as well as memories. Crazy scenarious, robotic flies, aliens, dimensions, portals, scenarious that transcend our understanding. I really have no idea what's going on but it was an inspiring venture; it makes you think... that maybe you're cat is actually a good friend who helped you escape out of the clutches of some sinister villains with unknown motives of domination or death. Awesome graphics; soundtrack, and experimental transitions between all these scenes. Was almost an otherwordly experience. Don't be too high? lmao. Keep it going!


Well that was.. ironic. :P Interesting idea for a family; perfect potential for a ton of puns. This family could make for a full series too! Keep it going.


RetroSleep responds:

This Train has no breaks!

Haha, that ring signal... by the looks of the scenery at the start it's almost like they're still stuck in the garage. I thought that'd be the end of it, but... that's just the beginning! What a crazy day at work, and it's just beginning too... really looking forward to the sequel! Great voice acting; slick animation to go with it. Keep it going!


Flashy, funky and fluently looping. Nice work!


Well that conversation took a few unexpected turns. Interesting style of animation; the conversation... it's balancing between humor and some deeper form of life philosophy. Nice work!


Brewster responds:

Yeah I feel like I came very close to almost saying something of substance in this one. Thanks for the review

Can't decide if the moral of this story is: don't get a cat or... social media can be hazardous to your health. :P Awesome animation, love how cute that cat looks at all times, even when going batshit banananas and brutally battering that unfortunate bloke. The work with expressions are hilarious, and the crazy carnage... nice work!


liquidcrow responds:

Hahah! Thanks! =)

It is indeed heavily based on a real cat that I know of. Cute batshitness and all, lol.

lmao, that is one durable phone! What model could it be, to be able to withstand such destructive power so easily? :D Nice work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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