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This was pretty cool, the way the landscape transitions in through 3D was a real nice effect, not used to seeing sprite animation from a head-on perspective like this. Ambient music, refreshing animation and a final flight at the end. Nice work!


spritefan responds:


lmao, should try defeating the great leagues some time with only a band of Shuckles. :D Awesome work for an awesome Pokemon!


What an awesome mixture of madness! I liked the trail effects, the variaty, the rampage... the music fit in well too, real trip!


That chimney, lmao. The whole animation is just full of bizarre and random, and the ending? And who's that other guy? And what's really going on here? O_i This left me slightly entertained but all the more confused. Lotta randomness; little punchline. Keep it going!


lol, props win? Wasn't expecting that. I thought the characters were Game Grumps for sure, but it looks like... there may be some competition! The philosophical background pep talk was a nice change to the regular intense laughter and intensity. Nice work!


lol, so unknown you could think it's almost... fictitious! :O The introductory image did feel unnecesarily pixelated, maybe you could've blurred it into focus somehow to avoid the focus on image quality, or lack thereof? Zoomed out it doesn't look half-bad though, and the description was... entertaining. Who'd have known Pandas were were about to get reach the airwaves!

Just a shame it ended so quickly though, I was expecting some elaborate seemingly relevant semi-scientific explanations on why everything was as it was, but it ended rather suddenly. Keep it going!


ForNoReason responds:

Thanks mate. Yeah, I should have done something better with the opening, but I got kind of lazy with it which is my fault. The artist I used worked hard and I kind of made her work look like shite.... by bad. Thanks for the review!

lol, gotta love that flag-waving every time the day is mentioned. And the cartoony characters (I just recognize Flinstone though) standing behind the counter. Without the animation it probably wouldn't have been half as comedic though, it's basically a story about attempting to get a subway and having some trouble with it, and a lot of play on lingual barriers that doesn't really deliver IMO. The stone-age characters and little alien add some effect. Keep it going!


Man this was great. That three-eyed skull seems like a new take on a conscience, if thjat is what it is.... though it was dark you really don't get a sense of depsperation though, he just jumps right outta the window and ironically messes things up a bit more by falling on a vehicle. Sad comedy; awesome work. Not noticing any artifacting either btw.


Gerkinman responds:

Cheers buddy. I don't really know what was going through the characters head, only that he jumped out the window. I like to leave that sort of thing up to the audience.

Glad to know the artifacting isn't affecting you :)

lmao, that satellite falling outta the sky. The only really future-proof navigational equipment's gotta be the compass, but thanks for this info, twas an even more entertaining lesson than the last, now with added pun in addition to random info. Keep it up!


RadioTubeClock responds:

Thanks, will do!

Bamboo Shoots!

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