
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Awesome work! The visuals are stunning, not always that animated, but the panning cameras make it seem like there is always some kind of motion anyway. The audio's flawless, graphics fit it perfectly. I'm not a Megaman fan (probably would be if I'd grown up with it) but this was a great watch. Glad you didn't give up on the dream!


lmao, them AI characters must be mighty confused with all the hyperactive hysteria going on amongst them Pokemon players in the world. So random; so hilarious, and probably much thanks to that never-fading smile. Keep it going!


lmao, animals age fast! I'm digging the idea of a miniature version of this series, even the intro's shortened down. Doesn't take long to watch, but the smile will last a while. Till the next one!


Uhuh, can't say I understood any one of these jokes (?), but the randomness was entertaining at least. Is this based on some real show? Based on Jaden's lack of emotion in his action? Narrative and animation were good though, stars for that!


RageNineteen responds:

It's mainly based on Jaden Smith's weird as hell twitter account where he tweets bogus philosophical ramblings.

So this animation is about how it's all about love! It's an inspiring message, but ackward all the same. I agree that sexual preferences shouldn't matter, but a kid growing up without mother and father... how well does that work? Two fathers can't actually have a child, so maybe that's how it's meant to be, either gender has a certain set of characteristics that are needed to both father and mother a growing individual... is my thought. Anyway, the point's delivered; this was a good animation. I liked the play with typography too. Only at the end on that green-blue screen does the red text contrast a bit much. Keep it going!


IcedFoxPro responds:

The objective was to look past all of that, and agree that it all just about love. It doesn't matter if two parents have children. What makes a man is not his ability to have a child. It's his ability to raise it.
But thank you! (: Really appreciate your feedback.

Man this was awesome. The detail in all those sceneries, the funky music, the laid-back pace and playback craze. Hoping and looking forward to more!


Tis been one long and eventful day! An entertaining finale in what seems to be becoming a pretty entertaining series. random rambles and crezy events... and it continues all through the credits! Nice work.


SeanAndSuch responds:

We're glad you enjoyed and hope you keep watching.

A lesson to... live life? Have fun? Not take classies too seriously? :P Now I'm wondering if that videoclip is still available somewhere. This animation didn't crack me up but it made me smile, nice sketches; captivating narration. Nice work!


lmao, so that's why they do it! :D Genius idea; flawless animation. I like the interface too, slickly sketchy style of writing and stylishly scribbled backgrounds for the buttons, didn't notice there was even quality control on the right. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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