
13,874 Movie Reviews

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Crazy. Sininister. Sick. Naively awesome, but in that final scene... how much does Mickey actually know? O.o It is fluently done, both animation and voice acting, and the mixture of gritty background textures and regular characters works well. Nice work!


Haha, another awesome miniature episodes. And this time it's like a collection of em in one package. Nice work!


Woooah that's a long list of credits at the end there! The animation was awesome though, detailed and atmospheric. A fun idea; plenty of eventfulness. WIth the jazzy soundtrack it's like a music video too, varied all the way. Nice work!


Surprisingly intriguing despite the potentional pointlessness. I don't know what I'm really getting out of watching this, but it was fun. Wouldn't have known it was Ghostbusters unless you said so btw, ages since I watched that movie. Nice work!


Noisy responds:

I need to animate more often but catching public on Ng being from a spanish talker coutry is a bit difficult to me by now, so I'm not very active.

I'm happy you enjoyed it. Thanks : )

Woo, I like vegetables too! This was a pretty great video, and with a moral to top it off. Nice work!


Awesome music and pretty viewtiful graphics to go with it this time! Scenes morph into one another in a tray of trippy chaos and bizarre bars. Nice work!


lmao, it's April 1 so... I don't know what I was expecting. :D I've ben decieved! That introductory screen looks so professionally promising too, maybe not of hentai but at least... something Sirkowski-related! Should've tried getting her as co-author btw, that'd have been neat. Nice one.


Pienkaito responds:

I'm still waiting for his response.

I'm actually terribly sorry for being very unoriginal this time. I couldn't live up with the quality of the previous April Fool's.
Maybe someday, I'll make something better.

Haha, this was awesome, funnest thing I've seen in ages. I appreciate the randomness, but not just randomness but a consistent trail of randomness, a certain idea that spirals into something much greater rather than just morphing randomly from one thing to the next. And that willpower makes it all the greater, that training intensity that starts it all and pushes it to the next level! And the donut end, all in all it's just hilarious. Smooth animation and great voicin to it, and it's fast-paced. Nice work!


MarcyVF responds:

thanks man :) glad you liked it! haha... I like that concept, a "consistent trail of randomness".

lmao, it's all about that suit! Nice work.


Haha, a news session just full of surprises! The first one was a complete surprise, but I feel I should've been able to predict the second one, maybe. Clever idea; great animation/voicing to go with it. This could make for an entire series of somewhat creatively crazy newscasts. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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