Well it's a bit short, but other than that it's a relativly good animation. Concept is reasonable and everything tweened smoothly. Sound would be a nice addition though. Keep going!
Well it's a bit short, but other than that it's a relativly good animation. Concept is reasonable and everything tweened smoothly. Sound would be a nice addition though. Keep going!
I love this series, great paradisation of the crappy game we all learned to love, most of us, anyway, heh. Graphics aren't the best, but the plot is hillarious and the animation is smooth. Looking forward to many more eps!
Love it. Great spritemation, great plot, great music. It's long too, lots of entertainment packed in it, heh, keep up the great work1
Happy MDay! I honestly hadn't even heard of the Milano Crew before I watched this though, good thing I did, seems like a much better group than most of the others, bt anyhow, back the animation. It's a good flash. Graphics are simple and smooth, so is animation, sound, plot. Really was fun watching it. Keep up the good work!
Cute characters. Remind me of Synjs ones, heh. Anyhow, the plot isn't much, not very comical either, but it's amusing to watch for once. Graphics are good, the blood effects look nice and the animation is smooth though. Keep workin!
Clock hentai? Haha, hillarious. I was thinking it would actualy be a gallery of hentai clocks, furrystyle, but it surpassed my expectations! Actually a good plot, with good graphics and lots of humor. Overal a great animation.
Despite the smileys crying a cryied with laughter and placed upon my dull face a smile. Great animation! Funny and easygoing, heh. Keep up the good work!
Great parody, christmas editioned. :) Seems like the right time of the year to watch old classics like this too, hehe. Graphics are a bit plain, but the plot is genius. Keep up the great work!
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04