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Well that didn't go as expected! The who's right and wrong and good and bad certainly takes a twist towards the end, nice fluidity and detail in the animation, and it seems to work nicely without lip-sync too, though it's easier when some characters have their mouths hidden behind masks. Great work!


Cenaf responds:

Thanks. Yeah, i found out that cutting out lip sync has best time saving compared to quality loss. Yet that really would liven up some scenes.

lmao, what an awesome idea for a series. I was thinking the superheroes of the series would be somewhat more powerful critters though, even if it does seem they are at an advantage towards the end there... the part I liked most about this was the introduction. Great music, clever lyrics and presentations... it's just awesome! The 'ruler' seems like the natural born leader though, not that other one. :P Looking forward to the next one!


Haha, that'd be a club to join! :D Nice pun; nice comeback at the end there. Keep it going!


Haha, the trials and tribulations of a small isolated tribe! Good fun. I like the creative art style, the gradients on their nose/eyebrow-type-segments, looks good! Nice tribal music, voice acting and a flimsy script. Keep it going!


lmao, so that's how the franchise ends... makes me kinda glad I haven't played that game yet. Masterfully animated pun on the gun want front though. Also, a lot of detail in both sceneries and characters. Nice work!


Ah yeah, those so seemingly similar situations! That pop up pretty much every other day and cause intense afterthought yet probably don't ever actually mean as much as they seem to. Nicely animated!


lmao, another awesome episode of random animal trvia, presented in an excrutiatingly entertaining way! :D Nice work.


For a moment there I thought he was going to try using something else for payment. :P Entertaining, creative story of a crazy critter whome I think the name for isn't the most obvious fit. I kept imagining him as a 'creeper', creeping around, you know... not really peeping as much as actually literally taking over. Anyway, nice work!


Really nice stopmotion work this was! The music isn't the most dynamic, but it has a touch of antiquity to it, I love all the old items, the warm dimmed-light scenery, and of course seeing the puppets play their song. Stopmotion is a pretty admirable and time-consuming task. Nice work syncing everything together and making it look natural!


aap responds:

Thanks for the review!

Seeing regular animation accompanied by this music was a new experience, it's something I'd expect to see sprites for, but it works well! Really smoothly animated, and like you say it really is an entirely new perspective. Actually never played the game, but I recognize pixel sound when I hear it. :D Nice work!


AaLBERT responds:

Thanks for the comment, I recommend you play
the ninja gaiden 1 and 2 from Nes, Xbox an PS3 =D

Bamboo Shoots!

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