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This is getting better and better! Loved the fight in particular, really smooth movements, and each hit really has an impact too, causes some kind of damage, whether bodily or otherwise. The running scene looked a bit strange, but I guess androids running strange isn't that strange hmm. The next episode was the real highlight so far, and this comes in close second. Looking forward to more!


Ah, the story kicks in! Wasn't expecting this much voice acting and plot progression after seeing the first and fourth, but it's all appreciated. Plenty of variation in scenery, characters; effects. MUsic fits the same theme as the last episode, and the robot guy makes an appearance so... the battle must be coming up soon... keep up the good work!


So this is how it all started! Feels different with the music, it has a warmer atmosphere somehow. So far, it's all about preperations... we don't really get an introduction into who what or where, but it starts out subtle. Nice work!


For a while there I was wondering if there was any point in this. Why save the final event till after credits? Feels like that's the right place for bloopers/stuff, wheras that clip is definitely part of the big whole. Just feeding a bird in a don't-feed-the-bird-zone isn't much of a joke in itself, IMHO, not until you get that ending. Nice work though!


2Pstudios responds:

Yes, after posting the video we saw that great part of people dont watch until the end... we're thinking about re-posting without the credits scene. This format of video with credits and stuff are most often used on youtube

Hah, them crazy hamsters again! :D Now with crazy contrapations and incredibly innovative inventions. Good fun!


WaldFlieger responds:

Haha thanks! :)

Seems like a series I'd like to stay tuned to! My first impression is those triangles in his eyes (the glow) looks a bit malplaced, but apart from that, everything is stylishly black and white! The fights smooth and varied, tense and occasionally humurous too (like when he throws that rock) and overall just much more elaborate than the regular animated fight. There's a story and strategy to it, not just a clash of strength. Feels like not having seen the previous episodes doesn't really matter either, eventually everything falls into place, and I'm looking forward to the next one!


Uhuh, yeah... I can definately see the not-making-any-sense part! Transitions, animation and sound effects are all spot on, and it moves at a fast pace, but at the same time nothing's really happened! Nothing senseful or suspenseful anyway, even if randomness always entertains. Hope for scripts n stuff in the future!


CaperCube responds:

Thanks! I should have probably mentioned in the desc. that I made the comic for this when I was 12. Not like that's an excuse or anything. But yeah, I plan on making better ones after seeing how this one turned out.

Well, it's not bad for a test. Music, motions, sprites... all's OK. All it needs is more of it. :P


AnimeBoss responds:

Yeah ik, thanks ^^
I'll keep getting better and have a longer animation in no time!

Bamboo Shoots!

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