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Man that was unexpected! Two times, as the door opens, and as it all ends... can't say the music is something I'd listen to without a video, but for this it's a perfect fit. Slick violence and creative animation! Wonder if all sound effects are within the actual track btw, like the knock on the door, or if some is added for the animation? Nice work!


undertoon responds:

thnx. . .the sounds on the intro of the video are not the part of the song. .I added them . . .the song strats at 00:25. .

Haha, a cause as good as any! :D Entertaining stuff, voice acting and animation and all - all properly presented, yet with that unfortunate grain of truth innit. It's always inspiring seeing creative projects that probably couldn't have made it otherwise get realized thanks to the masses funding it, but then there are all those larger commercial enterprises using it more like a donation drive than anything else. Anyway, nice work!


lmao, genius combination of series! :D Creative, varied and fun. Nice work!

Really nice! The motions look pretty natural, the fight's are fluent and captivating, and the music's a nice amplifier to the action. Feels the characters are unnaturally bright compared to their surroundings... but on the other hand the glow effects for certain attacks/powers/stuff are really neat. It seems the characters are the main focus, along with that giant robotic dude, wheras all other foes appear merely as shadows, subtly suited into the scenery. Looking forward to what mastery that new program can make, nice work!


That ending leaves me a bit baffled and lost, but it was a creative watch! Nice art style, with plenty of detail in each frame. Nice work!


paradoxcamel responds:

yeah. i for one am not very proud of my animation in fact i fucking hate it. it was done for an art assignment and only having a small amount of time left lead me to rush a lot of shit like the backgrounds and some of the line work (i mean at one point the tour guide dude loses half his goggle strap). yeah the ending was fucking bullshit, i only had like an hour before i needed to hand it in so i thought "hey, why not make a cut to an infomercial scene where barely anyone besides me would be able to interperate the meaning." oh well at least i got art award for it although i am a bit queezy when i think of the fact that my art teacher decided to enter it into an art gallery. thanks for the review and apologies for any grammar mistakes or bad spelling, my keyboard is shitting it's self and i'm too tired to really care.

lmao, the Turtles as a soap opera style animation, twas an entertaining blends of styles and character! Nice work!


Really to be continued? The randomly creative style of animation somehow has me doubting the potential future of this as a series (also lack of numbers) but I wouldn't mind seeing more! I like how much expression goes into the animating, and not into just traditional expressions but into things like the captain poking through the monocolar or the close-up of his shoe. Though there's also something going on, it has a laid-back and entertaining pace. A fun watch overall!


tirael14 responds:

thanks for comment. Yes,I planning to draw next few episodes,hope they be interesting)

Interesting style of animation! Language seems like an odd blend of English and something else, also pretty creative, and though you don't really understand what's being said the plotlines still easy to catch on to. Nice work!


KapishTV responds:

Thanks a lot for your comment! Much appreciated :)

Bamboo Shoots!

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