Nice idea for a different take on the Adrellia universe! I started off pretty hopeful about learning all about this mystical majestical place, but after a brief interlude of randomness (that was fun! :D) it moves over to speaking of mostly mundane and ordinary items that somehow don't really pique my interest.
In the end it moves over to a series of photos rather than drawings, which could've been fun if it was still in the randomness part of the saga, but at this point come off seeming unserious instead, or rushed (as if: no time to draw).
I liked the music, it fit in without overshadowing the text, and the voice acting was great, but in the end I don't feel like I've actually learned more about Adrellia than when I started watching (and I didn't know much from the start). If there's not much to tell, the random part makes sense. If there is much to tell, then the randomness part could probably have been skipped. I get mixed impressions when they're both in the same Flash, and I don't feel like it's either just a fun glance at the kingdom nor that it's a serious attempt at really giving newcomers a full introduction (serious as in = wholesome, always appreciate the humor!). Feels it could've been more! Keep it going.