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Hmm, is that error screen at the end intentional? It flickers by so fast I thought it'd be an easter egg, but it looks like a real one... which makes me wonder. Anyway, the action was great, though some of the things the celebrities say don't really make sense to me! I guess it's more of a cultural thing than any flaw in translation - you need to know the people to get the jokes/how they act, but the subs are great! I remember last time there weren't any, so that's definitely a big improvement. In the end though, action without reference transcends all cultural borders, like the figure skating. Best one. XD Looking forward to No6!


Nice intro! The sequence from cities to Dystopian alien arhcitecture was pretty neat, I imagine it's something about how the world's changed in the how/where/when this series takes place... but maybe it's a parralel world/other? Looking forward to the real thing!


vezanmatics responds:

I can always count on you to leave good input. Know that I value your feedback!

Xleek is a human (descendant) from the distant future, and I felt that sequence was the best way to convey time passing as opposed to something to do with another planet.

What a masterful mesh of variational violence and recreational random killing! Plenty of different ideas and characters, and so much content I can't settle for a single favorite. Great stuff! Merry Madness!


Woo, Disney level animation quality! I feel the rainbow tears/puke/etc could've been a beit more effectful, feels like it all just disappears into thin air (splash effects?), as could some of the other parts, like the speakers raining down from the sky (clouds of dust?), but overall it was nicely done, with fluid motions and plenty of variation in the scenery. The main character (the Unicorn) reminds me of the donkey in Shrek in form. Plot's genius, and though the sound's not always the easiest on the ears... it was entertaining at least. :P Mysteries of dubstep revealed, lmao. Keep it going!


NSFW just got a whole new implication! :D Nicely done, and with a happy ending too. It's got action, drama, romance, stress, balls... everything a flash of entertainment may need! Nice work; congrats; looking forward to the next round!


Woo, didn't know about SleepyCabin before... but now I do! Nicely animated, slick and well-synced, and the audio's plenty entertaining too. Kinda reminded me of Game Grumps at the start. Hope ther'll be more of these!


ieJoMaFLo responds:

They are some pretty cool dudes. Go check out the podcast its great!

Heey, we had the same idea! Well, not of an actual Ness character shooting up a pair of merry generic Madness dudes, but somekind of parody based on the console at least. I should've made something while I had the chance. :/ Feels like there'd be potential for a bigger joke here, but either way, the wordplay's new and inventive - tis a fun little skit of violence! Happy Mad Ness Day!


Budj responds:

I came up with this Flash in mid September last year. Thought I'd try and actually make it this year. I was hoping no one would come up with it before me haha.

Even in unfinished form, this was a great watch! I like how the animation syncs with the music in transitions, bumpy wheel jumps, etc. The action's swift (though a bit strange without any sound effects for stuff like gunshots), but even the actionless introductory scene managed to build up plenty of suspense. The 3D view's pretty cool! Nice work.


Woo, an intense car chase, with detailed sceneries and vehicles, all kinds of lol faces, obstacles and distractions, varied and unexpected explosive ends, jazzy background music, expressive faces and a real plot twist at the end! Plenty of fun and action, and I like the new take on the Madness universe, everything in color, in a somewhat more life-like scenario, completely lacking any of the gunfights I was expecting. Nice work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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