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A story with a moral! :O Wasn't expecting that. Fun sketch as always, with plenty of lifely scenarios that felt easier to relate than in the latter few. Looking forward to the next cut!


lmao, didn't know the DE_dust animations were still going! Awesome stuff, even if it's from a game I'm guessing less people relate to now. Hope there's a ton of old outtakes waiting to be submitted! Nice work.


Hmm, the plot in this one reminds me of WolfCop a bit, could it be a part of the inspiration? Love the exercise puns, the runs, the suspenseful yet surprisingly uneventful tale where no villians actually get caught or killed, cept for the cult members of course. Guessing the next one will be all the more conclusive! Nice work.


danmarkowitz responds:

Haven't heard of WolfCop, but I'll check it out!

Wait, that SHOULD have been his head? O_o What morbid figures traverse that foreign tabletop universe! Good stuff.


Another nice segment of the saga, and it ends with one shot! As always I love that mist, and the gritty textures. The white text works well, but it feels the darker shades don't really escape the background, maybe you could use borders? Or just brighter colors? Keep it going!


buriedantenna responds:

Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you're still enjoying the series. I know what you mean about the text. The different fonts and colours are a way of distinguishing the different characters, but the pallet is kind of limited by the theme and style of the series (in other words bright pink text would be really easy to see, but it doesn't exactly suit the mood.) But I'll certainly make the visibility of the text more of a priority in the future— thanks for the informative feedback :)

Not today or any other day! :D Still gotta love that music though. Nice work!


Oooh, it's here! It's like a bridge between start to finish, a journey through... some strange place right back to... where everything started. I like the different styles, the 3D tunnel vission for a change; that creatively crazy psychotic world she traverses. You'd think a missing arm would create a bigger reaction though. :P Looking forward to Halloween!


ClockworkPixel responds:

thanks man :) and I did have a reaction cutscene but having her upset at the end of part 1 and starting with her crying in part 2 seemed a bit much lol still I guess i really should of had some sort of reaction

A fun idea for a collab; plenty of varied action to accompany each awesome morphing! Lack of power-ups doesn't bother at all, it's still pretty long. Nice work!


An inspiring story! The movement effect in the comic was pretty cool, snowfall and everything, and the slow camera panning heightened the sense of action a bit. Appreciate all the different voice acts for the characters, though some felt a bit off, like Adolt and that first Capt. Anyway, nice work! Much more fun watching a comic than reading it. :)


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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