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Hmm, seemed like a thoughtful contemplation at first, made sense, was enjoying the edgily ambient style of animation, but when it zooms out and reveals the background cemetary I start to wonder... what does that mean? Is that a visual representation of everyone he's lost? Is it an actual cemetary, in which case it'd be odd if the main character does ask him? Could he be a ghost? Could one of those crazy theories, like him reliving the same day over and over... maybe hold some truth to it? Really boggles up the simplicism at the end there, but I like how it turns to afterthought! Nice work.


Gerkinman responds:

This comment is exactly what I was trying to achieve, almost word for word what I told myself I wanted to convey, I think this comment makes this short my most successful ever.

Haha, didn't think it was possible for that guy to make a mistake... but in the end he makes it seem like it was all part of the grand plan after all! Those three penguins at the start... really remind me of the Penguins of Madagascar, intentional reference maybe? ;) Keep up the great work!


Seems like there are more phobias mixed in herre, fear of not being able to move, fear of drowning... it's a pretty dark animation, albeit with that beautiful scene right after. The way he wakes up again, I guess he's not actually in a tiny cubicle, just crazy. The expression doesn't seem the most despairful, but the voice does, nice work!


charliemakescartoons responds:

Yeah the first thing I'll fix is the expression. Also I can dig your interpretation of the ending.

Thank you for watching. :)

Hah, cute... with a brutal twist! I recognize the Pikmin's, but those other spacesuit people, are they in the same game? Never played it myself, guess all other movies may be just referencing the more notable pluckable picks. Nice animation!


Chris-Vassilico responds:

Thanks! Yeah, the characters are from the third installation in the franchise. It's a pretty cool game and a must buy for any Wii U owner, in my opinion. :)

Nothing quite like watching tribesmen speak about the random thinks that tribesmen speak about. :) Dialog's fun, but the most entertaining part are definately all those creative masks, and what an awesome coallition of talents that gathered together for this inspiring piece of art! Even the credit's a work of art. Transparant silhouette imagery scrolling along with the text, gotta make a mental note of that technique for some future creation... thanks for the entertainment; even medals for being entertained!!


Awesomely smooth animation! Everything creatively drawn too, colors feel swampy and saturated, like a blend of its own. And the voice acting's great, not just the voice acting itself but how it's included, to make some sounds seem at a distance, some sounds seem close, really professional processing compared to most other animations. Looking forward to the next one!


Blordow responds:

Thanks so much man! I take great pride in the little details and in my sound work, making sure each shot had the appropriate sound relative to where the characters were situated, etc. I appreciate the feedback!

Woah, what a way that'd have been to start the new year! :/ Glad things passed by blissfully! Maybe add a replay button at the end there btw, so it doesn't seem like it's supposed to loop? Also, hard to make out what's being said when that guy appears on screen, bit fuzzy audio quality. Happy 2015!


Hah, it's an animation full of heart at least! Wonder if he considered the apocalypse was nigh when he didn't deliver that letter hmm, assuming there's some game reference there. Great humor, animation; voicing. Keep it going!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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