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So much about the Sankquatches!! Feels like a bit of a messy verbular sketch this time, not so much a story being told as a lot of jittering around on the one fictional element. Animation was great, but I didn't get as much a laugh out of it as I'd expected, good to see Sleepy Cabin stuff getting animated though! Keep it going!


Strange how it's these little, probably completely useless, tidibts of wisdom that are the easiest to remember! XD Entertaining little selection of things I did indeed not know, looking forward to the next one!


ZenithQuinn responds:

Thanks! :)

One part expected Game Grumps pun, two parts surprise insight into the mind behind the masterworks! Now's not the time for second on jumping aboard the Game Grumps bandwagon though, this is what the public craves! It's new thing! It's the world as we know it! Nice short.


lmao, imagine a world where everything was the opposite of how it is now, where everyone wanted the opposite things, like a parralel antonym world! Could make an entire series of stuff like this, with potentially less brutal ending scenes. :P In a weird way... everything work out for the best! Nice work!


CyanSandwich responds:

Interesting idea. Thanks for the review!

That bong went out with a bang! Cop comes in blazing like an explosion's usually how they find these marijuana smoking maniacs with backfiring lighters. :O Bizarre, brutal and eh... entertaining I suppose! Animation's great.


Title was a bit misleading man! With all those counters, one after the other, I thought one of the charactes would eventually come forth with some counterfeiting pun, but... it was about more than that! :O When he's mentioned as the 'only character who could counter' I thought it was in regard to all games, that he was actually the first videogame character EVER who could counter. Oh well, misinterpreting everything in advance here, but it was a good animation!


That excalated quickly! XD Seemed like a 'normal' claymation at first, but it was a lot more! Nice work on the fire effects, and that little scene when the fight's over. Was a fun animation, and even funner with stopmotion!


Inspiring music for that intro! For a while I thought it'd be more of a musical/music video than an episode. I guess I should see the previous ones to fully understand the scenario, but it was entertaining all the way, and the dialog... seems to be in at least three different languages? Wasn't expecting that! :O

Subtitles are definitely appreciated, though it's a bit strange reading the subtitles on top of the screen, it's like when you focus on the upper part you view the 'image' above the text, so you're missing a bit of the animation below. Maybe that's just a heavily ingrained habit though. Animation's great, overall: nice work!


crs05 responds:

not three, but four. Indonesia, English, Arabic, and France.
I will try to make the animation better, thanks for watch my anims :)

Not sure I can guess about a single detail here... it's pretty abstract! I love the mood it sets though, the dark and light, the tribal music, the choppy stopmotion and sound of water, it almost gets you in a trance while watching. Only part that felt a bit rushed/simple is the animated splatter when he rushes towards the camera. Otherwise I really enjoyed it! Nice work!


zotostap responds:


Haha, that shrink could use a shrink! XD Nice work, though as for the obscene language... does it really add anything of comedic value? Feels a bit out of context considering nothing particularly extreme/violent happens, good joke but feels like it could've ended with better finality. Keep it going!


PsychoMations responds:

I'll keep that in mind, thank you!

Bamboo Shoots!

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