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lol, the moose that moves was just... hilarious to watch. For some unknown reason. Seems to be an animation with unknown purpose, only at the end; that final screen does it appear to be a plug. Is it a real place or a tribute to something animated/some site/studio (I suppose I could Google but...)? Animation's good, but the sound effects of brew feel like the most thorough part. What a sense of refreshment bottled in just one sound! Nice work.


Arvstar responds:

I appreciate the review thank you. We had to combine 3 sounds to get that refreshing foley of a pop top beer being cracked, hahaha air leak, plus separate air leak and finally parachute ejection hahaha. Our sound effects are limited but we do what we can do get a good sound. The bar scene is a tribute to a bar that my artist friend works at and I inhabit from time to time. mmmm I want a refreshment now. Have a great one!

That awesome musical mood and chibby characters didn't really sync IMO, with my eyes closed it felt massive, yet with them open it looked... out of place. The audio definitely helped with building up the atmosphere, but the visuals feel like they could be improved, 'darkened' somehow, mae mightier and more realistic. Anyway, did it enjoy it. Keep it going!


An equally entertaining and disturbing short! :D Haven't watched or read much Charlie brown, but definately see the semblence here, even that over-forward-bent stance. Dark but nicely done!


An impressively slick stickmation short! The way the characters lose their character when they die, walls colorfully splattered with their blood... that's a pretty neat effect. Didn't last long, but it was a well-animated bout of action, nice work!


Hah, if you add in a new character and 'again' to this loop each time you procrastinate it might amount to an unsuprassable amount of animated loops! XD Looks good but, this time the concept of procrastination is all the clearer. ;)


Pikapetey responds:

yeah thats the point of this series.

The joke spans not just one toon, but multiple ones across time. Like a dead horse joke.

Hmm, no voice at the end there? Is there supposed to be? Feels like it ends pretty suddenly, and man what a brutal turn of events! :O Dodn't seem so serious at first, the entire riot was almost comical until that fateful dose of frying oil. Bit simple animation, but it works. Voicing's not bad either, but close to clipping at times, keep it going!


Cheeeer responds:

hey thanks! i really appreciate the response. i messed up with the voice at the end and it's super quiet. it's definitely there though!

An impressive; perfectly synced sequence of action! With plenty of humor too, like that cooking part. XD Even though you mentioned the credits were long, I wasn't expecting that long! Like two thirds of the submission length!! :O Though I enjoyed the action, it felt like I was cheated of it when those started rolling, might be one of those rare occasions where a submission format without timeline would've been wholly better. Anyway, loved the fight, appreciate all the hard work gone into arranging this, and I believe it should've scored much much better than this! Nice work.


Shuriken255 responds:

Thank you very much for respond, Cyberdevil! I am sorry about long credits, i thought they would go much faster when i wrote them. Unfortunally, i didn't find what to delete of those credits, because everyone in this list was precious for me. It was long long time and everyone put a lot of effort in this. About rating - i know Newgrounds hate stick figure animations, but still people advised me to do this. Thank you for your respond again. I appreciate it!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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