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Hmm... so is this national pig day you speak of about eating pigs, loving pigs, or maybe just liking pigs and treasuring them; seeing to it they aren't turned to sizzling chops of buttery bacon? An entertaining animation for a day I did not know existed! Seems there's a day for everything now.


Uh hmm? I guess the comedy is supposed to be: Mario eats a mushroom and goes crazy? Idea's (though not original either, it's been done a bunch of times) not bad, but first time I watched this I didn't get what was going on at all. The 'Funny no?' at the end seems to imply it may not be funny, too, so for total comedy such screens may best best avoided! Anyway, style of animation's pretty interesting, but not very consistent in progression. Keep it going!


Gotta look closer at his feet next time I watch this movie! Interest segment of info as always, and considering it's all for a movie franchise of which I'm a die hard fan (:P) it was all the more entertaining! Nice work.


That kneeless pose at the end there seems excruciatingly painful! O_o Overall, a surprisingly entertaining tribute to one of the famed game legendaries! Animation's simple, but comical all the way. Keep it going!


lol, that professor sure has a lot of burdens weighing on his back! So much grief and trauma! Though I never knew a tale of death might be so amusing. Even the cabbage.


Almost like one of those podcast segments with animations to go with them, probably because it all ends so abruptly, textual intro but no textual credit! Large amounts of horse-like characters lol, not the type of content I usually watch, but it was entertaining! Nice work.


That police siren seems suspiciously familiar every time it fades in! Not just the same siren, but the same duration and everything. Game intro otherwise is nicely animated; audially atmospheric, the rain sound/static in particular. The switch from 3D to 2D caught me off guard a bit (there I go not reading descriptions...) but overall it was good. Get me thinking of The Warriors, though there isn't really much similarities aside from the one showdown scene and the gangs. Will the game be playable here/online? Looking good!


gesco responds:

Thanks for the feedback. I am hoping to get the game up soon, this week maybe. It wont be a completed game though, I am looking for people to help me out in completing it. When I get the game up, I'll give more insight on where I want to go with it, but I'm also looking to get some feedback on how it's looking so far. So when it's up, check it out if you can and let me know.

Well that... awesomely disturbing! Very nice mesh of stopmotion and live footage, and sound effects for full effect! Not sure if the ending was meant to be comedy or horror, it's almost like... a troll face. Bit of both I guess!


Can't tell if he's a giant, or if that's a toy car. ;) But I like the atmosphere! Foggy, secretetive, a little of a cityscape distopia, and the engine rumble that breaks the ambient background melody. It looks; sounds good, though not much of story!


ArchieAndrews responds:

Cheers mate ya .. I got too deep in the editing to keep it a good plot. This was mainly about animation and FX tbh.

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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