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lol, what a random idea for a grand battle! Everything feels out of context, and yet it's entirety, in combined form, as the big picture: pretty entertaining! Real slick animation too.


RetroSleep responds:

Thanks CD! Whenver I post a new animation, I just sit around for a bit and wonder what kind of review your gonna give me haha. I really appreciate your constant feedback on all my stuff.

Ever thought about making an actual Kibikle Kombat parody game in Flash? Well, maybe the one reference in this one episode doesn't seem enough to merit such a grand production, but it looks fun. :D Simple; entertaining lil episode, with some interesting critters for characters!


flushstudios responds:

That's an awesome idea! I totally should do it up.

Haha, something a lot of people should be able to relate to! :D That comical intro was a nice way of lowering expectations for the song, was a lot more professional than I thought it'd be, actually sounded... pretty good! And I'm glad you threw in some of that fluid animation too. Keep it going!


Seems like Smitty is in serious trouble now! :O What masterful tricks might he come up with to salvage this serious situation?! Looking forward to finding out, in another exciting episode of: Smitty The Destroyer!


A sad episode! Maybe even more so since the other dog seems so very content with life, with fetching sticks while his owner obliviously speaks on the cell, gives a strange impression of a happy life that seems to serve no purpose, and though the lost puppy reminisces in his lonesome lair, the other life isn't given the appeal it seems to need to make pinpoint his purpose: what he wants, regardless of what he remembers. Well I'm probably overthinking this thing, was nicely animated though, simple; atmospheric!


A pretty impressively coreographed battle! I liked the special effects for all attacks in particular, the visual slices, and some stylish transitions for other attacks, the shattered background, silhouette view, etc. Audio fits right in too. Nicely done!


dominiichan responds:

Omg thank you mister cyberdevil QwQ

lmao, entire chair thrown out for fear of coffee stain discovery... definately didn't see that coming! Nicely animated (and voiced).


Looks like things are finally getting serious! :D Was definitely more comical when he was all oblivious to the monsters running rampant in his apartment complex, but he had to see the truth sometime! Nice scene with all the objects bouncing around in the kitchen, lotsa details, and that outro melody's a catchy nostalgia (feels like a long time since the last episode..). Looking forward to the next one!


ScaredyDave responds:

Thanks for watching! Glad you enjoyed it! Haha I'm especially glad the ending theme has become catchy and nostalgic! The next episode is planned to be a game, so it may take a while to get to Newgrounds, Ill be updating my progress as I go though, most likely in posts on Newgrounds but mostly as Facebook fanpage posts, so if you wanna keep up in the long stretch of downtime and see a game get made before your very eyes, Id watch there!

lol, they did make some durable phones! Looking forward to when they get back in business! :D Nice one... though the flashback thing at the end feels like a confusing ending, and the tear! Why the added sadness? It could've been comedy!


Bamboo Shoots!

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