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Some both inspiring and disturbing material packed in this showreel! All in a plethora of styles. Nice slice of samples.


lol, crazy movie ideas. Entertainment audio segment with simple but good animation to go with it!


A pretty slick character presentation!


mattyburrito responds:

Thank you! I still gotta work on making stuff smoother:)

Not an actual employment agency it seems (was trying to click the name whenever it popped up)? Seems like a good idea in theory, but if I was an employer I'd like to hire based on visual impressions as well. Race or gender's one thing, but personal chemistry is another, and in most jobs appearances do matter as well. I'm thinking of public servants, secretaries, etc, all those superficial businesses where people want to be greeted by a kind face. Anyway, animation's good; idea nicely presented. Nice work!


Long intro, short episode! Seemed so promising at first (also digging that oldskool Hannah Barbera style of animation, brings me back to the good ol Scooby Doo daze), but then... nothing really happens! Can't tell if it's a parody episode (the Sky Gilder thing seems to hint that such is the case) for a non-existant series or if there really is more to come? Definitely has potential!


ArsenalStudios responds:

Thanks for your response Cyberdevil. There is more to come. You're right it's based on the Hanna Barbara style. It was never intended to be broken up into smaller episodes so that is why there is a weird ending. We had 21 days to write,draw and animate an eleven minute pilot episode for Comedy Central, which isn't much time. We had more than a few problems trying to get it done. The show ended up getting a weird cult following. Next Episode released next week.

Well that was... nicely presented! Nice swag. Dope flow. I'm noi really getting the comedy here, but I suppose it's supposed to lie in some character contrast hmm, guess he's not usually like this? Nice work.


lol, was wondering where the humor was till the ending sequence appeared. Stylefully presented, with slick animation and color!


A brutal stickmation for a brutal game! Nicely done, and those pompous sound effects (from what I assume is the actual game) really add to the experience. I barely know any of the character names, so I wouldn't who to suggest but eh... well, mind's blank. Definitely hoping for more fights though! Keep up the good work!


There really are quite a few of these! :D Each one with a somewhat different approach of art; a different kind of scenery. A short but awesome battle this time, and that kid doesn't tire of fighting! :D The near-end comedy's an unplifting little extra. Also shows the characters are still alive hmm. Nice work!


C3WhiteRose responds:

Opening stories and a comedy endings is my style in these competition, it helps me to get some extra vote for the winning. And ShadowRose never kills opponent, as you can see all his 4 battles

A stylish battle! I like how the scenery comes into play in this one, and starts in an office... the stickfigures have a whole world of their own it seems! Not just the fights! lol at that after-credit boss scene... and btw, with such a fierce battle, it's pretty amazing they managed to leave the office intacty, I thought Garo would be blown out the window with the final attack. Nice work!


C3WhiteRose responds:

I usually put the battle place that's the fit opponent's theme (King Loxias with Castle place, business man in an office). Im battling a famous Zetabrand member now, wish me luck.
Btw, I put my opponent parts so you can watch and compare

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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