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Awesome story behind the animation. :) Didn't seem as comical in animation as the idea sounded, but it was nicely done, short, brutal; realistic. Was expecting the zombie to move a lot slower too, the traditional zombie type, you know, just biting, not fighting. Nice work though!


rubberonion responds:

Thanks for the comment! There's some decisions on the zombie's movement and the overall fight choreography you might appreciate:

I actually tried to have him move (feet-wise) as little as possible. In the first shot, he shambles. It's pretty quick but more like a fast, drunk walk. Other than that, he doesn't move much from the center of the cage; he's more planted... he rotates, but I figured a zombie at least wouldn't have footwork haha.

I did decide to have his upper body move faster and a bit more competent -- my idea of that movement was that it was carried over muscle memory from when he was alive. The thought is that he was a fighter before being turned into a zombie so basic punches and blocking aren't planned, they're kind of hardwired in. It's accepted zombie lore now that some habits from a person while living do present in them as a zombie (I'm a huge horror movie nerd so this was actually the most fun part, thinking about the 'why' based of Nate's idea. Now that his comic has come out, I 'get it' more but at the time it was all just based off the premise he came up with). He doesn't actually do much punching. There's two parts where he swings his arm in no particular punching motion, another where he's just grabbing at the human, and another where he's pulling him in to bite.

Also, fun fact: I planned the fight out with a couple TMNT action figures from the 80s-90s.

Nice advice on how to cater for some of the most important little critters in the world! Was hoping there'd be a suggestion on building bee nests too, which, since it wasn't included, makes me ponder how useful such help really is. Maybe they don't have much trouble making their own. Anyway, nice episode.


The mystery's revealed! :D Nice one.


That eerie atmosphere builds up pretty well! And stays that way all til the ending scream, but jumpscare loudness kinda ruins that moment for me. Very nice work with the glowing eyes and glows in general, plenty of color in the dark. Keep it going!


lol, a crazy glimpse into the Megaman universe! Was sure that dog would play a bigger role, but he does steal the show at the end there. Nice sprite work!


JumpNJetz responds:

Thanks! I feel like I'm getting a little better with my sprite work, soon I will be making one where all the sprites are actually custom, here's hoping that will be impressive... Anyways, as always thanks for the comment and glad to know you enjoyed this one as well! :D

Pretty slick fighting! Colorful slices and flashy fighting! I thought the style seemed familiar, but... there's no white rose! No facial close-ups. No dialog. Definitely a new type of battle. Love the fight itself, but I'd wish the file was still presented as Flash, with which you could enjoy the characters in their most crisp and unpixelated forms. Keep up the good work!


C3WhiteRose responds:

This isnt a stick animation competition, the character is Zero in MegamanX game, not ShadowRose.
This just a test on new set of effects, so there is no storyline
Because of heavily effects, Flash file can not read smoothly, thats why I had to convert to mp4
As your vote I can see a storyline satisfy you more than just a pure battle. So Im sure I will bring you satisfaction with my future competition

lmao, at the character selection screen I thought there'd just be one of these, one selected character eo enjoy the immesely brutal but still creatively comical fatality for... but there were sooo many of them! Not a single bad character in the mix either, as in: unoriginal method of death. Nicely done!


RicPendragon responds:

Thank you. I originally only planned to do 8, but I came up with so many different ideas (I still have 12 others I've not made yet), so I decided to work with 20 instead, I tweaked and tweaked to the last second to make sure it all worked. I wasn't satisfied with some and completed deleted entire fatalities and remade them from scratch.
I plan to make another 2 of these and maybe some vine exclusive short fatalities too.

Now where I can download this piece of awesomely explosive futuristic blissfully blank and taskless piece of software? :O Nice ad.


lol, out of context but so entertaining! Good way of escaping those age restrictions for certain types of content too. ;) Slick animation and voice acting on everything, wouldn't mind watching more leftovers if there are any!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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