lol, that ended quickly. Not sure what's going on, as I'm sure you know considering description, but up till that point of glass-shattering conclusiveness it was all going pretty well! Nicely animated, with a suitably catchy soundtrack. That 0 vote hmm... going for some reverse psychology maybe? :P Happy Pico Day!
honestly, though, i had a broader storyline on the back burner that i just couldn't have the time to finish. The outcome would've been a lot different than just mostly meaningless scenes.
Such creatively profound philosophical and occasionally incoherent ramblings on topics that wake the mind and easily entertain! Stylistically animated, with additionally entertaining contrast between that coffee-shop locale and crude chat-style convo. Happy Pico Day!
Heeey this thing is finally done! :D I recognize the first couple segments of it, but all the rest... there's so much new stuff! Also, Tom actually voiced his character? :O Nice work fitting in all the trademark submissions at the end there, entertaining Tank Man chase in particular, even that inescapable cock joke and appropriate wordplay. Seems like 2013 was that one year when things seemed to be crumbling down, but since then everything's going uphill again! As in, downhill, well, you get what I'm saying. In the end it feels like there's been a ton of effort and time poured into this one work, it turned out great! Happy belated Pico Day! (and btw.... what's missing? O_o)
Hey, I've been waiting to see a review from you, 'cause I knew you were looking forward to it. Yeah, the first two scenes are pretty much the same as the ones that were already submitted though the first scene had some things improved and added, plus all the dialog was re-recorded! Also there's like 10 or so minutes of new stuff!
Yep, Tom Fulp voiced himself. Sometime last year I thought to myself "I just HAVE to have Tom Fulp cameo in this somehow" so I thought "why not have a hologram of him to greet people coming to Newgrounds?" so I reached out to him to record the line and he was happy to do it!
I made sure to make it feel like the fake submissions in the montage felt like stuff that could actually be submitted to Newgrounds, and yeah, I had a lot of fun making the Tankmen bit. I had been wanting to animate that since 2013! There was even a trhowback to Tankmen 2 with Pico thrusting the tank, like Captain did in it ;3 And yeah, cock jokes are the best.
Yeah, things did seem pretty bleak in 2013, which is what initially inspired me to make this. Things did get slightly better though in 2014 aside from the closing of the NG store (which I managed to work in since it still wasn't finished by then), but things are looking pretty great now!
And yep, there was tons of time and effort put into this. While I didn't work on it straight through, it was still probably a solid year of work. I'm glad it turned out great! ;3
And yeah, the whole "something's missing" thing was just a jokey attempt to get a daily feature (indicated by the daily feature trophy under the tree in the last shot) and it turns out that it is truly missing forever, 'cause i got 4th! Ah well, the reception's been great so that's all that matters!
That 'Great work, d00d' one feels so unfamiliar... wonder if any of the other quotes have been changed since the times of past hmm. Anyway, I love the idea, animations to fit the ratings, presented through a sleek visual voting panel interface like this, and if you keep listening you get some extended audio dialog too. Pretty neat!
Hmm, he's almost like the human manifestation of the Angry Faic, and... is that a Tank Man in the council there?! :O If these similarities are intentional that'd be pretty cool! Overall though, it's a dark and emotional tale, just like the last one uploaded, but with a darker tone to it. Definitely hope this thing gets kickstarted! The combination of clever scripting, expressive animation, notable characters and no need for actual dialog... it bodes for an exciting show!!
lmao, well that was nuts! XD Hope he survived the fall! Despite the lack of agility in those jumps, and movement overall, this was great. Good concept, good music and animation good enough to make it all make sense!
lol, entertaining competition! Though Red can carry waaay more than that fo rizzle. Hundreds and hundreds of Pokeballs! Nuggets! Candies! Antidotes! Three fishing-rods minimum! Unlimited items all stuffed into that one backpack!