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This series has evolved, and changed, so much since the early ones I remember! And the 13th episode coming out on the 31st: what a well-planned twist this was. :) Breeze seems like a pretty interesting character, though not sure we've been properly introduced before hmm... the premise here seems as new as it seemed to you in that month you started writing it - or have I missed some earlier episodes here? Am I becoming overly forgetful? And has this series always been this violent? :O

The close-up on Pete's eyes felt a bit out of character. Never seen those before either. I think. The blackness otherwise seems like a part of his character. Enjoying the eerie atmosphere though, those freaky twists and lovable endings. Feelgood vibes after all! The thing I'm maybe missing the most here are those intermissions! Though we sorta get some of those at the very end... hoping this series keeps going for some time too! There aren't many long-lasting ones out there not in some way angled to please the audience and/or make a profit. :) So this is a refreshingly exception. Good fun. And cheers on these first five years!


Bertn1991 responds:

Hey, thanks for sticking with the series for so long. I appreciate the feedback very much :D

You're right, the character of Breeze and the premise of the episode isn't well explained. I didn't want to bore people with lots of exposition I guess. Breeze is an old character, but it's the first time she's been in a main episode. The only other time she made an appearance was in old Yonder Ho animation tests from before the show was a thing.

Everything from the ideas to writing the script to doing animation was done in the month of October. I hadn't planned anything beforehand and I promise you didn't miss any episodes. (You aren't getting forgetful!)

Since it was a Halloween episode, I added some more graphic parts than I normally would. It's by far the most violent episode.

Pete's eyes have always changed to capture certain emotions. Kinda like Finn from Adventure Time. They are just black dots most of the time.

The next episode will have those intermissions! There was simply such a tight deadline all. I really like doing them.

Anyways, thanks again for the feedback. It's always a treat reading your reviews. All the cheers <3

Ah, RRH, I get it! And when those curtains lift... scary. Legit scary scenario. Love the style.


Simple as that animation is it's also surprisingly detailed sometimes! Entertaining little madlb too. XD Nice one. Can't remember the last time I tried a madlib btw, this c could be fun...


Bertn1991 responds:

Me and my sister love doing madlibs. It's always good for a laugh ^.^

Thanks for the review, as always. The animation is kinda lousy, but I had plenty of fun drawing the ugliest people I could think of X)

I wouldn't mind seeing the real thing some day. :) Animation quality sure has improved, as has M19's suit! The text no longer quite as noticeable. XD Nice little promo. Though, seems like the second was removed? Copyright issues? Maybe same thing for this one if you uploaded it shortly after...? Do hope you can publish those again, with other audio or without audio, whichever way is easiest. Good stuff.


Aaand it all starts with that infamous bar scene. :) I though M19 would only have his name on his suit with the introduction test but... looks like it's his actual character huh! Ain't nobody quite like him that way. And that conflict, just like in the classics too. :) But then... it moves somewhere entirely different. Nice progression with the plot. Lots of dialog and not as much action, but the pace is still good, and the occasional close-up works well. Small details could be improved, like how the names on the Cells aren't angled according to the doors (#19), as are some of the doors, and tables, and trapdoors,... but that's all small stuff. Overall: good madness.


Another fun incident and birthday animation all in one! So much carnage for that one cake. Nice work.


Well this was a fun birthday short! Not too long, not too much detail but... good fun. And that ending. XD Good thing Madness isn't real...


Well it's not really a debut but I like the titleification. XD Smooth tribute to Madness Day 2013! With not just entertaining plot twists but entertaining texts before it all begins too, and creative work with angles, gradients; such things. Not bad!


Seems like the music disappeared... copyright issue I guess? I'm glad the animation's still here though! Even if it feels a bit odd to follow the characters in silence you can appreciate the action; great variation between scenes. Maybe you could find some free alternative to throw in for the sound? Something from the AP? Overall nice work all!


It's like a spin-off take on the Marshmellow Madness classic. :D Fancy intro, solid action and all... bullets move the screen, motions look steady and continuous... it's all pretty solid! Solid twists along the way. Solid writing on the walls. Solid hat and slow-mo sequences too. Solid work!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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