My dreams, man, my dreams! :O Surfing through a landscape made out of only delicious edibles, being able to eat as much as you possibly want without feeling full, just gluttonously gliding on a lake of frozen Grapefruit juice... is never going to be the same again! But anyway, this was masterfully made, a gritty trip through a world of fuel and fat and wannabe willpower. I was starting to ponder what potential metaphors were stored in that microwave meal when... he opens it up and all that shizznit falls out of there! Suddenly it seems like it's more about the random factor than a message, though the artist statement does tell it's not so! Might've been more effectual a statement if he just opened the microwave and ate that bun, and then: The End. Well, it was good, entertaining, though-provoking and strange, and I do agree, we are what we eat. Nice work.