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I think I smell adventure! :D This looks so awesome. The animation, the soundtrack; the sceneries and characters... all promising elements in what I expect to be a pretty awesome story! Though: what I'd have wished this was an actual series instead of a game... it seemed fit to be a full movie, rather than a DIY adventure where maybe some of that atmosphere disappears... if it's anything as pompous as this makes it seem though: probably awesome in game form too. So much detail. And that much time put into it! Reminds me of the hand-crafted point and click games of old, Sam & Max and such. Oughta be fun in whatever form it comes.


super fun super short, featuring an unexpected character combo. XD Nice one. The voicing's kind of low though! Had to turn up the speakers so much you fear some loud sound might come around and cause chaos... but it did stay low key.


Machines... controlling our lives? Forcing us to fake a happy interaction? Involuntary participants in a system we don't want to be in, disconnected but happy with where we are? Pique on social media? Or on unreal expectations overall? Or on the unnatural bridges in our society. The false images. This could mean so many different things...

I was really hoping there'd be a happy ending for that guy, or that one of the button-pushers would actually realize their wrongs, but the ending reveals another side to them after all... pretty depressing, but really well-done. Seems to symbolize so much of the world we all live in right now.


What an awesome way to officially kickstart your NG venture. :) And promo material for YT too. This really brings me back to the days of: https://www.newgrounds.com/collection/mynewgrounds

...if you've been around here maybe you were here for those too? Maybe they even played a part in inspiring this? Would be cool if that wave comes again! Anyway, this was a smooth intro, not so advanced with the animation but good enough, and the voice acting: strong point there. Welcome to the Grounds Syn! Hope you build a bad-ass fanbase and enjoy your stay!


Sooo the big guy was a bad guy? Seemed to me more like his appearance was against him more than his actions, and mother nature misunderstood. Enjoying the style and story otherwise, but his bad intentions really didn't come across so crossly IMO! If that WAS the idea...


As it starts out I'm wondering if the caliber of the music's not a bit much to match the animation but... then the fights begin! And it was pretty awesome after all. Nice work getting the rights to use the sound too! Really lifts everything a step above too.


Ogilvietheblue responds:

haha, I thought for a second that I needed more action as well. If I make it to another opening! I will load up on action for that one.

Though the 3D animation's not all perfect (exploding ship in particular) it was easy and fun to follow, and the apple thing, lmao. XD Relevant. When the credits started rolling I almost read the first name as 'Copy Right', but hey no pun there apparently! Good fun.


A fighting animation actually made with drawings? Scanned? One at a time? Seems the backgrounds are separate at least, but if everything is as manual as it seems this is some impressive work! A short but brutal fight too, in traditional MK style - with some creative angles along the way. Not bad.


So is this... going to be a thing? :O So awesome if it was! The music.The animation. The unrestrainedness of it all. So awesome. Curious about who plays God here hmm, maybe it said in the credits though... overall amazing work with this!


EXIT73STUDIOS responds:

Its actually the youtube star Ricepirate (Mick Lauer). We had the chance to work with him on a disney XD project and had a great time working with him. And he was a great spirit and didn't mind making a fool of himself for this project.

For a moment there, with the horse turd and such, I was thinking maybe I'd better not get into this game after all... but then you can get a horse with an AFRO?! :O Seems like I'll have to get to it after all. That one iconic game with the largest (at least it was the largest back when they said it was) open world environment ever created... good stuff. Relevant parody references are lost on me but this was pretty fun/crazy.


Bamboo Shoots!

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