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Smooth frame-by-frame animation does take time! Looks good. Creative, consistent; neat little short.


joshboy101 responds:

thank you so much

Went somewhat out of control at the end there. :) Felt like the music really synced with the animation till that point, to the point where it felt like the animation was made with the music in mind, abstract; fluent; full of meaning in the eye of the beholder. The added dialog ruins that setting a bit IMO, that final encounter that draws blood and just... disrupts the atmosphere. I still love it, but feel it could've ended better! Awesome FBF; ambient lyricism. Nicely done.


JaviJavi responds:

that was the idea create an ambient animation to some ambient music, and it turned out okay at best haha. The dialog and the losing of the arm is something that needed to happen, maybe i forced it to much ? maybe i should've integrated it in better ? Anyways thanks for the critique man i really appreciate it bro !

lmao man, pretty twisted! XD No place like NG for stuff like this! Real nice presidential pixels there.


MEGAROBBY responds:

Thanks Cyberdevil! No better place than NG

Awesome idea for a collab. :) Perfect loops; endless booze and party! Nice work; Happy Birthday Luis!


Nice speedpaint!


Heeey you forgot the badass outro. :P Catchy credit music, though!

As for the animation: the motions do feel a bit slow still, as if the gravity is lighter than normal. For example, when the blue figure gets up after the yoyo explodes, he looks a bit like an astronaut shifting positions in space, not a grounded figure who needs to tense his muscles to get up... you know? Another thing, that makes movement feel stiffer I think, is that not all body parts move for all parts of a motion. For example, when theblue guy jumps over 1 Punch Stick with the yoyo, 1 Punch Stick only ducks with his head, and moves his arm a little, the rest of his body doesn't budge/bend/anything, which seems a bit unnatural. It's difficult to get natural motions, but that's where most improvement could be made IMO.

I'm impressed with the animation overall though! Interesting angle with the yoyo, good balance of close-ups and side-view, the yoyo string wasn't always the most natural as it moves, but when One Punch Man... sorry, Stick - is holding it, the slack looks perfect. The fight's nicely scripted too, it all makes sense; follows a red thread, has humor and variation, and even voice acting! :D Wasn't expecting that! lmao copyright issues. XD Good episode; looking forward to the next! Keep up the good work!


Dreamimate responds:

Hey thanks man. I understand what you mean about not looking real. I guess i didn't notice it because i was trying out other things this time. I will try and make it better though.

I did put my outro in the video. It's right at the end after next ep coming soon.
I'm gonna have to fire my voice actor if he doesn't get his act together cause personally i thought it was bad.

It felt like i'd been working on this for 2 weeks when in reality it was only 4 days. its weird. You think i should make the episodes longer? tbh i would if i could but its not really easy with him being one punch stick

Long time since last episode! :D Awesome as always, colorful and creative, abnormal and alien, and with more tech than I was expecting from this tribal toon... but looks like it's not just a pre-historic, but a distant world far far away. And still, their world all revolves around money. :P Nice one.


What a transformation! I thought for sure it'd be just a bad dream; a morality lesson he'd wake up from at the end... or that the cycle would repeat itself, but this time he'd be the dog/pig. Well, it didn't turn out how I expected, but nice twist nevertheless! Refreshingly unexpectable idea; smoothly animated. Great work.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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