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Falling, falling, falling... mysterious creatures hovering around the room... moving through time and space and states of consciousness... I love this. Masterful and mysterious glimpse into a mind or a world I hope to see more of! So fluent animation. So much creative detail. Really promising work.


CuteNikeChan responds:

thanks for the kind words <33

Foamy really speaking the truth in this one! :D A meaningful rant on the meaninglessness of the general stream of content online these days. Really enjoying these recent bits of wisdom. Ah yeah, the good old days when the restricted forms of media made people really take a stand to have their say...


Man these just keep getting better and better with each one! :D Seems more people are jumping on board too. Fun to see all the different styles. Tough choices between some of these, the first three in particular were definitely my favorite contenders, but also the 'carnage day' twist, lmao. XD In the end though... gotta go with #3. It really stands out in a good way. Impressive transformations. Good music. Good fun. Little ending twist and everything.

Great stuff all!


For a first one it really wasn't that bad! Good music, a lot of running around... it was fun to watch and easy to follow, just a bit open pace. Feel like if you bring it all together a bit more, and of course: keep polishing the animation, this would be pretty good. Keep it up!


AlejandroEldorado responds:

I animate with mouse and thanks so much for the comment

Props to your teacher on really crafting some masterful music here! Such a sad story... I don't follow all the way, but at the end, I guess they're reunited in death? For a while I thought the black bird was the darkness within himself; that he'd somehow caused the death of the other one... when at the start I thought he was really doing something good. Helping out. Giving some food. The tree... not good at all? Poisonous fruit? I feel like I'm losing a vital part of the narrative, but overall so well crafted. You bring forth the emotion for real.


Pepsters responds:

Thank you so much! Interpretation of the narrative was a real issue during pre-production. I'll be sure to really tackle that problem for next time!

The pace and soundtrack really build up a magical atmosphere here, though the story... I can't say I'm really following the story. Wish there was some voice to go with it, but maybe that'd break the spell too... I felt like the beginning would lead me somewhere but in the end... maybe I'd need more character reference to get the gist of it. Props on the atmosphere though, very well done.


That is some pretty cool looking lighting!


StrangeMotions responds:

Hey, thanks!

Any time someone says Tom I'm thinking the admin but... I guess that's an Undertale reference there? Main character in the game? So random.


MassiveMarioLuigi700 responds:

You watch sr PELO parody of undertale? Than you'll know what that famous quote cane from

With a title like this is deserves to be a standalone thing! Was expecting some kind of finale but eh... yeah, the collab puts it all in context. Good stuff.


TommeyPinkiemonkey responds:

Yeah, not a standalone project so it's awfully abrupt and out-of-nowhere without any context.

Man that detail when he picks him up! :D So solid work with this! A random little short well-done. Good fun.


IncendiaryStarfish responds:

Thank you so much mate!

Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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