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Well that was random. XD Fun, but a bit a messy, feels like all that energetic randomness could've all been projected towards a better punchline somehow. Interesting with the puppet-like motions instead of lip-syncing too, creative stuff.


STOOVRS responds:

hey thanks bud

lmao, somehow this differs a bit from how I remember it! XD Entertaining podcast though, and pretty good animation too.


RocketAdrift responds:

Lol yea we were generalizing a lot. Thanks so much!

Simply-stepped and easy to follow, inspiring, optimistic, creatively narrated (just the beak being at the wrong place of his face boosts the entertainment value somehow) wonderful Valentine instructions by a crazy, blue (good symbolism there) bird. Keeps the pace high too! Entertaining and nice.


Looks like I've missed a few of these. :) Twas a lot longer than the last one I watched - a pretty entertaining glimpse into the life of a human turtle ninja disciple! Well-animated and voiced, with plenty of comical crazy, though I feel it's missing that conclusive punchline twist some of your works have. Do appreciate the lengthy longevity of it all though, good stuff all the way, and Congrats on the sponsor!


MisterHerbal responds:

As always, Thank you for your feedback cd, you know I appreciate it. I do agree that the biggest fan series lacks the classic twist I usually use in my workflow. The formula is very simple. A fan obsessed with his/her idol. tried to become them, imitates their doings in real life and experience the consequences. I still am puzzled how it works so well with audiences but I do enjoy making an episode of this series now and then.

This one was quite different as it's my most dialogue based cartoon to date.

Glad you enjoyed the watch !

Love makes the world a better place huh. :) I like that message, and all told in such a feelgood and entertaining way too... even if the ending twist flushes all of that fluff right out of there. Smooth, melodic and wonderful! Nice work.


Not a bad promo! Though that ending... could've been without. XD


Another pretty slick collab! Nice work.


Djjaner responds:

Thanky CD!

Lobster does sound pretty luxurious. XD And here I thought art schools were havens for the hungry, the poor and purposeless, who pour the riches of their souls onto the canvas to fuel their creative minds! Anyway, twas an entertaining sketch as always, and seems like that relationship thing might be going to a sequel... it's strange how the smallest things give such realizations. Looking forward to the next part.


Looks like pretty massive work getting all this together! Seems like when it's all done it'll be like a full-length movie... at least. Both voicing and animation's great, as is the intrigue, aside from a few grammatical err's (they have return) in the subtitles it's pretty much perfect - and considering it's DBZ even that seems somehow suitable here. It's like how it was when I watched the original series. :) All of it. I'll stay tuned for episode 2! Great effort.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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