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Well this was different1 :D And entertaining. Well-voiced, animated and all, and now with two characters (voiced by the same person, I suppose?) as opposed to just the narrator. Sidekick does add some comical variation to it all, and perceivable anguish. Hopefully not as based upon personal experiences as all yer other stuff! Good stuff.


That didn't really sound like a SUV accelerating at the end there. XD I like the animation style, but voice acting doesn't feel all that natural. Entertaining, though. Keep it going!


Memerfox responds:

Thanks, means alot

Seems like a link to the original video might be a useful include in the description, seeing as we don't have those YT click-overs here yet? Nicely animated, though was expecting more of a punchline at the end. Zooming in on the picture of Putin and a dolphin... awkwardly entertaining, sort of...? Unless there's a joke I'm missing there. Good stuff though.


Whirlguy responds:

I stayed very true to the original video, which uses the same joke at the end. It amused me personally because Putin is always portrayed to be a scary and emotionless ex-KGB boogeyman. The dolphin picture appears to show a side to Putin I'm not used to seeing here in the west. A little anti-climactic one could say? I don't think I've ever seen other world leaders swim with dolphins before either lol, it's a little bizarre. The audio was ripped from the original video and I decided against adding new sound effects (take it as a spin on the whole Game Grumps animated culture we have here). I'll be sure to link to the original video in the comments section now.

lmao, it really wasn't the kind of Minion-loving I had in mind when I read the title! XD Even as a parody. Probably one of your most obscene movies so far, but not bad man. Props on taking things to the next level, and that one kid with the smile on his face lmao. Simple fun and somewhat disturbing.


artistunknown responds:

Yeah, I guess it's my most obscene movie that isn't straight-up porn :p

I suppose it has been quite a while since I've done anything as shocking as this, so I can understand the unexpectedness of it heh. I have been trying to keep things more family friendly recently but ya know, every so often you've just gotta make something fucked up that everyone's gonna hate ;3

I'm glad a few people have noticed the one kid smiling. That was a last second idea that had me laughing.


Another grand news episode! :D Always entertaining.


Moral of the story: if the door's too small for you, just don't go through it. :)

Compared to previous episodes both animation and graphics are starting to look pretty smooth here! Still a bit basic when it comes to the details, but smooth, fast-paced and varied. Not bad.


The score somehow feels a bit flat, with the large locale, like it needs something that really 'lifts the roof' to properly embody the fight, and the locale itself is a bit gray and lifeless, but the fight. Woah, man, so awesome. Fluid, ferocious, and well-coreographed too. Just wish the surrounding elements played into it as well, or that the characters stood out from their background, maybe with white suits? Or other colors? It's an amazing fight, but to make it as visually appealing as possible it feels it needs some highlight. Great work!


Smyton4tw responds:

I really appreciate your in depth critique! I have to agree on the background. If I had to redo it, I'd make them fight outside while it's sunny.

Best transformation ever. XD Love how it all starts out like an anime intro too, really smoothly done, with suitable music and all. Great work!


Brutal. XD Hope you're selling this brand new invention though! Seems like the next big thing. Imagine the wonders those boatloads of Bropetals could do for the world.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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