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Ketchup's not the optimal golem ingredient huh, I shall continue my research... all in all a short; entertaining little animation. Good stuff.


This: respect to the fans. ;) Going through the motions of animation was as fun as hearing the characters cry out and contemplate at each change. A claymation scene wouldn't been the icing on the iceberg, but either way this is just packed with creative! Love it.


Glad the squirrel fared OK. XD Love the expressions, the silly tribal voice acting (and silly humor overall), the expectable plot that still surprises with the details, the laid-back pace and all the way thorough thoroughly enjoyable animation! Also don't get too much Crash Bandicoot stuff up in here, so much appreciate the nostalgia. :) Grand work!


Looks like the plumber life's not all it's hyped up to be! It's been done before, but not all the same way as always. Had hoped for a happier ending, but not bad.


Such a fast-paced flow of random craze. XD The Pokemon battle was definitely the best part. Expressions get a bit excessive, but I like the spontaneity of it all; creative surprises along the way. Good episode.


FlowJoe responds:

thanks! I think the next batch of episodes will be just as good or better!

Was expecting something crazy to happen there but... can't nobody get a rampage with romp up on the block. :) Nice.


Wish we'd got to see that fight! But good stuff. I like the oldskool superhero cartoon style of both music and animation and everything. Both nostalgic and new.


RocketAdrift responds:

Awesome! Thanks so much :)

You really build up the mood! I like the style of light and color, how it's not the traditional 'darkness', but still a kind of cozy setting for a nightmare, creepy, but in an atmospheric and entertaining kind of way. Animation's smooth, the background spooks subtle; it all flows nicely, though the wordless communication between characters isn't always the clearest - gets clearer towards the end though, not so much ambiguity as to what each expression might imply. Nice work!


verna-c responds:

Thank you so much! :)

Cute, but... creepy. O_o The music helps make the mood, and the slow-paced animation. Nice motion with plenty of message.


Speaking the truth, in masterfully musical ways! XD Would be awesome if you actually got some real artists to sing this like, like eh... Ed Sheeran and Celine Dion? That'd be pretty awesome, but not bad work with the song either way, it does have a pretty high tone and musical flow. Animations goes well with it, and that ending message. XD Do wish we'd fix our planet instead of trying to escape it and repeat our errors with the next one... but still, I'm typing this instead of doing anything about it, just like the rest of them. Entertainment with a moral.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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