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Well that is how consumerism keeps revolving around after all! Wouldn't be so much of it if there weren't holidays like this... not the traditional angle for this type of Christmas Greeting! XD Nice one.


Never had a dog myself, but somehow this is all so easy to relate to anyway. :) Human-based names seems like something you could pun around with for plenty of episodes too, so much potential with that one joke! Great humor; great animation. Dogs in particular look particularly detailed here, if I'm not just imagining things... feels like these sketches are getting more and more fun with each one btw, looking forward to the next!


Such a tragic tale, of an egg who was destined for more but just... lost his footing in life! Gets me wondering what the average lifespan of an egg may be hmm, it's a tough world... doesn't eggsactly look designed for this particular species. That breakfast too. XD


ThaheemAS responds:

Thanks for watching i really appreciate the support

What a twist on the classic... didn't know about the original, but the way you've switched up the theme while still keeping the plot element is just perfect. When we see the sign at the beginning though it really does seem like a post-apocalyptic world... jumping into the house, the TV feels like a contradiction to that. How would that work past the apocalypse?! In retrospect I guess it's a clue, or maybe it was always just showing static... but either way you really bring out the emotion here, and the anticipation that comes with the knock on the door. Somber and suitable music to boost the mood, and a great build-up till the end. Nice piece.


Avonom responds:

Thank you for your review Cyber! I am glad you enjoyed it.

These guys really take the darkest topics into the light and make them laughable and nice! XD Great animation to it too, love how the characters change size and everything to emphasize the counters. Good stuff.


Zakzar looks a whole lot like a Cacodemon there! :D Nice ending twist, and the alien plot that keeps playing in the background as the alphabet rolls... it's almost like all this is a propaganda films by those aliens. :) Starts depressing but... it attains new meaning as it goes! Nice idea, and stylish presentation.


Like is this an inside joke in the series? A paid advertisement? Or is it as random and creatively recreationally awesome as it seems to be?! It really does look crisp, crunchity, peanut-buttery... love the almost arcade-like visual effects; style! Awesome work.


IvanAlmighty responds:

Thank you man!! Gonna have to answer C on this one, I'm honestly not a fan of butterfingers but just have a strange affinity for the Simpsons commercials for them

That pretty much sums it up! XD Such a non-nonsensical and relatably random reinterpretation of the story... at such a pace too! Images serve their purpose perfectly, as does the mighty narration and silly sounds that sometimes accompany it. Mighty work!

And yes, I do remember the Star Wars!


That density joke. XD Really humble beginnings with this series, and in the life it tells the tale of... looks like a whole other world these few years back! Visually, audially... script-wise though, it's still got that soul. :) Great to see how much it's progressed since! And the school of art, now more the school of life: still going strong!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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