Such solidity! That hat must've been made of metal. :) We never do learn how it would've turned out had he aimed for any other part of his body, or actually had a pair of functioning guns... since it's all Pencilmation though I guess he would have survived no matter what. :)
Animation and voice acting's spot-on as always, and the comedy's great, though feels like it could've ended in a wittier way. Like maybe: he laughs so hard he accidentally swallows his cigar (was kind of expecting that when his head was pointing up at the clouds, cigar just sort of hanging in the air there), and the Blue guy miraculously wins and locks him up in that time... or if during the encounter phase you would've zoomed out from the running animation to show the blue guy after a while running in the wrong way; the red guy chasing him... feels like there was potential for more!
A bit better scripting and this would've been perfect, but it did entertain! Good ol' harmless (well, sort of) fun.