A pretty smooth speed paint! Intro, music and all. More elaborate than most.
A pretty smooth speed paint! Intro, music and all. More elaborate than most.
Thought the animation was great, as was voicing, and sound, and pacing, and symbolism with the bell... I didn't really catch the story at all. Something about finding religion...? It seems to lead to a realization, and that's the symbolism he holds in his hand at the end, but the story leading up to that particular point doesn't seem to have any relation. He doesn't seem like a religious man. He doesn't seem like a sinner, either. I wonder if his work might have something to do with it, or if he suffers from some disease, and thus the bell tolls for him, or if it's a material bell and he suffers from lack of sleep but... in the end I still haven't figured it out. So conclusively: script could definitely use some polish, but otherwise it's work well done!
The inspiration for it was this really annoying bell on my way to class that was super loud and seemed to go off every time I went by it. I was like, oh what if a guy had a really traumatic experience with a bell and it kind of haunted him to an extreme level until a breaking point. So I knew moments that I wanted to happen and originally he lit the bell tower on fire after snapping but people were pointing out problems with my storytelling for that part. I ended up going with this thing where he is defeated and just does what the bell was telling him to do. To change by confronting his past. Not that that’s even conveyed haha.
Extra notes are that I was having him be this WWII British firefighter of the auxiliary firefighting service that I was doing research on for another class. So that was the uniform he had on in the beginning and that was a child he was trying to save but got spooked by the falling Bell (totally didn’t look like one) and ran from that. At which point he tried to start anew elsewhere. Anyways the thing he holds at the end is a little badge from his firefighting times and I was like, I don’t know, he’s going to stop forgetting it/confront what happened or something.
The script was a mess :)
I do wish that I did something smaller so that I could of focused on the script, my weakest point at the time. You know, less, but done really well.
It’s interesting that you saw a religious side to the end and I think I might watch it through with that in mind. That’s one of the reasons I wanted to try sharing it again because I always wondered what others thought of it and such. Thanks for the comment!
All's well that ends well! :D Was expecting him to accidentally poke an eye out or something with that rapid insertion at the start though... scary moments! Twas an entertaining series of events that followed, though I feel it had potential for a few more mix-ups (like scanning with the wrong device at the store, maybe accidentally buying a pack of condoms instead of contacts, etc etc), and a bit quicker pace with the little things that did happen, but overall: good entertainment! The music goes a long way too.
I had been considering contacts before but hmmmm maybe glasses are the easiest way to instant clarity after all! XD
im glad my anti-contact movement is being heard
Looks like the series just got a new sideick! :P And that Ninja sure got balls! This is just getting bizarre at this point but... entertaining, yeah, can't argue with that! With such large amounts of blue the blue's really a lot more noticeable btw, bit sharp. Overall: good stuff.
Chutneys bizarre adventures!
Thanks CD
Marcelyn really reminds me of so9me artist I know I've heard, somewhere... really original voice/sound. Reminds me of the eighties maybe. Those good old days when people actually sung with their actual voices. :) Voice feels sort of hidden behind the music sometimes, but overall I'm really liking this. Cute animation for an uplifting song. Good message too!
Must be pretty tough to live like that! XD Seems like he's not getting dizzy at least, so that's a good thing I guess... maybe if he tries to spin his body in the other direction he could counter that head spin and someone else could feed him hmm...
Love the spontaneity of this, and the audio mixing. Awesome work.
Well that description reveals a bit, but it was still a surprisingly... twistless twist. Really like how the monster's presented, and the setting builds up, and yet... nothing really happens. A companion to share that popcorn with though, wouldn't that wake you up of that season apathy at least a little?`:P Nice short. Interesting style too.
Another good one! The creative madness and responsiveness with the characters still really set these apart from most of the fan-made stuff out there. Still masterful. Entertaining text doodles and stuff too. XD Looking forward to the next, wherever this may lead...
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04