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The double subtitles were a bit confusing at first, but once you realize they're both saying the same thing... interesting detail! Multilingual. :) Though it does take up a bit of screen space.

The story was fun to follow, and the action and story plenty varied, though some actions seem a bit inconsistent. Like: why does he shoot one of the guys in the head with the shotgun, but not the other? Why does he rush straight towards the gunfire in the first scene? Some things like that. Appreciate the fast reaction speed though, and creative script! Looking forward to the next part.


G4RPL3I responds:

Sorry for that info :P
Story will end in next animation.
Why does he shoot one of the guys in the head with the shotgun, but not the other. The second one died becuase of broken neck. Broken by the agent :)
Rush towards gunfire: He is NINJA XD

So crazy. XD His thing was not what I expected his thing to be...


Both description and animation seems totally lacking of context but... entertaining mob, nevertheless! That crazy guy wielding both gun and knife and shooting all over seems like maybe a main character but hmm... if there's no reference here it really is really random.


LittleCuteCorpse responds:

This is the scene that I cut from the actual movie "Technical"
So it looks random because it cut out
You can watch "Technical : Imhuman" and tell me what do you think

Also, sometimes my bad, I like to make description blank

Kirby's a sore loser apparently. XD Entertaining sketch! And good point regarding all those character copyings too, they do borrow quite a bit between franchises... Megaman's not Nintendo though, so the rivalry there makes sense! Didn't consider Kirby could've been the Megaman-made equivalent. O_o Good stuff. Works surprisingly well with animatic form too. Felt a bit strange without the lip sync, but not bad.


Evy-Devy responds:

Thank you very much! Yeah, similarities may or may not be coincidence for some of them (Nights came after Beam/Mirror Kirby though) though it was really meant to be a joke obviously. Though Megaman and Kirby's copy abilities are similar though Megaman not only gets it from bosses only but can also use them whenever he wants where as Kirby will lose it after he takes a good it and can't access multiple abilities in most games.

This is my first "animatic" which I know isn't as good as full animation. The lip syncing was ditched to save not only time to work on other stuff but also so I wouldn't lost demotivation. It would take many days otherwise. Though I'm thinking next the animatic should have some form of lip-syncing though not as in depth as the regular way to do it. I'm still experimenting, so wish me luck on it. I hope to continue making entertaining videos for you all.

Even post mortem he just keeps on going! :D Great to hear that voice again, and entertaining short this was... albeit pretty short outside the big one. Style just right too.


Not the same newness to it now that it's not all new, but definitely another entertaining session of well-voiced narrative with this so very unsuitable team of players talking a lot and not playing much! Facial morphs were a fun bit. Good stuff.


Blordow responds:

thx i'll try and make the next one more interesting

Not all like the regular Roommates , but even the April Fool variant works fantastic. XD Entertaining randomness. It's never too late!


FlowJoe responds:

thanks! :)

The texture's so cloth-like I kept wondering if it was actually stopmotion, just processed via Blender somehow... but it is all digital right...? Impression style and fluidity, and random fun! Real gem.


Bamboo Shoots!

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