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Seems a bit strange with the lipsync and no actual voicing, but apart from that: what a massive episode! Seemed pretty random at first here too, but it does develop as it moves along... and seems it's a whole series too. Some typos in the subtitles and such, but overall: intense. Gotta watch the others too some time...


Well that was... pretty brutal. O_o No idea if it's a regular show or no, but the animation's top-notch. Voicing too. Script-wise... I have no idea what's going on here.


Moving up with the dog puns in this one, chocolate and color and all, and those misunderstandings. XD Really hope there's nobody out in the world as misunderstood as this guy... once again awesome work. Hilarity ensues. Real surprised this one didn't win a trophy though, maybe the topic matter really is still an issue...


So wait it's an... eternal loop! XD Took me a while to catch that. He just kept creeping up and I was just waiting for something to happen... love the whole 3D thing here, and the redness of those goggles, but would've been cool if it was a bit more longer, and a bit more finite. Keep it going!


Hidden-Maverick responds:

Thing is, I was gonna make a fight scene. But I kinda rushed it.

The ending eeee... not sure what happened there! Interesting conversation though. XD Finally, after two years of the same thing they get to bite into a whole new topic! Nice one. I like the style too. Classy, and not so common.


So... she just waltzes into a random house and hoes on a tour...? If it wasn't for the description I'd have thought it was a museum more than just an empty house, or a home, considering how at home she seems as soon as he gets in. The flashbacks through the paintings though... pretty emotional. Uncertain beginnings but... what an end!! Really nice build-up.


I love the animation style and the setting you build up but... I'm not sure where the change of character really comes in. Is she always like that? How does she get greedy over one particularly generous sale? Or: was it because she realized the little girl was buying the pie for her parents, and not for herself...? And the next time she comes in she tries to take more to make up for the first pie? Yet it seems the only pie she's selling is to the little girl, so where she gets that other mass of money seems strange. Feels like that script could be better conveyed, but otherwise: great work.


The double subtitles were a bit confusing at first, but once you realize they're both saying the same thing... interesting detail! Multilingual. :) Though it does take up a bit of screen space.

The story was fun to follow, and the action and story plenty varied, though some actions seem a bit inconsistent. Like: why does he shoot one of the guys in the head with the shotgun, but not the other? Why does he rush straight towards the gunfire in the first scene? Some things like that. Appreciate the fast reaction speed though, and creative script! Looking forward to the next part.


G4RPL3I responds:

Sorry for that info :P
Story will end in next animation.
Why does he shoot one of the guys in the head with the shotgun, but not the other. The second one died becuase of broken neck. Broken by the agent :)
Rush towards gunfire: He is NINJA XD

So crazy. XD His thing was not what I expected his thing to be...


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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