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Short but... flawless! :) Creative style too! Impressive work for a day, and I do dig the poetical approach too. Nicely presented.


How did that happen. XD Ending gets me wondering if that's the same Tito somehow, and whatever happened after that. Awesome but somewhat... depressing! Man. All that blood too. Uncomfortable but pretty solid entertainment!


What a sweet story. :) Didn't think the feelings would really grow so, but at the end... low and behold those. Awesome work building that up. I was thinking as he climbed the tree that the background seemed pretty static. Think it'd add a lot if the leaves rustled a bit as he climbed, or some other background ambience was going on there, but otherwise the animation's great. Smooth and full of expression, even if the button eyes were kind of strange and all. The build-up is really what makes it so great. Masterful work with that!


Well that really didn't go the expected way! XD Love how unpredictable it all was, all the way until that ending... plot twists all over. Going by the first expression I really wasn't expecting those turns. But the expression changes with the story, too. Awesome work.


I'm pretty happy I didn't have a big brother like that! XD JSYK all big brothers aren't like this! Though he did throw me in a lake once, and pour a bucket of water over my head, and deflate my bike when I was setting out to ride. Come to think of it, hmm... maybe I'm just trying to forget some things. O_o Entertaining sketch though! As always.


Well that was fun. XD So smooth motions too. Good stuff.


Carbonwater responds:

Glad you enjoyed!

Well that was random. XD He really didn't react to that dream the way you usually react to a bad one, though... but maybe it's all within the dream? Drifting off into the dreamy void again...


CroDavid responds:

Yes, you are right. I was thinking about using some kind of storyboard but i didnt know how to do it so yeah. I know it was random. Even i dont know what this is about. I was just going for the sleeping theme. So im am glad you like my animation.

It's that time already! :O Years go fast. Amazingly fast. At least 42's a special number huh - maybe we'll learn the truth of all by then! Actually looking forward to seeing what kind of song you might put out for that event... it's just 15 years away now. XD Can definitely relate to this. But happy it feels more enlightening than melancholy this time. You'll get viral man! Don't give up!!


I really wouldn't mind playing this one! :D Trippy as always, but what a trip. Love the soundtrack in particular. Really sets the mood. The pan through games was a clear favorite, but there's really no bad part. Varied, somber, strange, dystopian... and a quote that doesn't radiate the typical wisdom with this one, but well a dose of close nostalgia! Surprised there wasn't any Oregon Trail in the video itself though! Good stuff, and looking forward to the next one!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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