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Apart from the somewhat unmatched lipsync this shows pretty good promise! Smooth graphics, solid voice acting and bits and pieces of a plot that, though it doesn't paint a perfect picture, gives enough to make you look forward to seeing the finished and full thing! Looks like an epic!


That car though! :D This could be the new age. NGE merch and Tesla combine? I see great things in the future. Smooth work!


The horseman of Death hmm... there's so much symbolism in this! The worm and apple, and sacrifice, and eh... suddenly there's so much I'm not sure there is any. It's abstract and disturbing, and beautifully narrated, but the details (like the suger cube and the worm) seems to be saying something, when I'm not sure it is... not sure there is a message here, or a story, or what to focus on. It moves too quickly through the loops, the literal sugarcoating, and comes back to: sacrifice? Sacrifice for what? I enjoyed the angles, and very literal imagery, but it leaves you confused, too. Can't figure out the essence of it all.


Some solid advice here. XD And with puppets no less! It's like the good 'ol days of Sesame Street but with a way more serious tone. Love this. Song (lyrics are pretty clever too), background entertainment, splatter and everything. Way too long since I saw a proper puppet show like this!


Hmm, no... I don't think I can! And who was that guy? Good or bad? There to help or abuse? For a moment I thought she'd turned to stone but then... not so sure. Makes you wonder...


Happy Birthday imaginary character! XD If that other one's the same ID he's been using all that time though...


Been a while since the latest sprite fight! :D Nice one. Good variation with the scenes, and moves, and even two battles in parallel at the end there! Not sure an M rating is necessary though.


Was expecting the elevator might lead to instant death, but the literal ride up through the cosmos was an appreciatively unexpected turn there, though with the critical oxygen levels it's both ideas in one I guess? We never really do see how it all ends...

I like the style, sketchy as it is, and the mood it builds. Solid sound effects too. Nice short.


gloomygvrl666 responds:

thanks fam, there was a lil more I wanted to do with this but I'm still learning how to use after effects

I have another one of these in the works (currently doing resource drawing between uni work) <3

Looking psychotic as ever! Some real Sin City vibes with this one, and the slime's as well-placed as the demeanor. Shift of style for a whole new situation too. Suitable sound effects. Course voice. Even a background that fits the mood - gets you wondering how much of that was prepared just for this video... the context's definitely out of it, but I can't do other than appreciate the style and crazy. A literal bang for your buck at the end there too.


So random it's just... so perfect. XD And quality animation with a random factor like this: even more so. Impersonation's pretty close too!


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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