You were way ahead of the times with this one. :) All the Lets Plays these days, all of those podcast-based sketches, all that shizzle... maybe this is the source to all of it. Maybe. Good fun.
You were way ahead of the times with this one. :) All the Lets Plays these days, all of those podcast-based sketches, all that shizzle... maybe this is the source to all of it. Maybe. Good fun.
Another really short one, but he's got some moves! Love it.
I have no idea what this is about if anything but I love it! Bit short though.
Aaaah a Silent Hill Flash! :D Gotta love it. It's quick, it's cheesy, but it's just full on perfect too! Imagine this being a real, full thing... imagine.
Even a custom preloader with this one. :D No idea how that main dude survived the fall in the first one but... glad he's back. XD That elongated head lmao... the glow, the greens, the trip that follows... some pretty experimental techniques in use here! Looks like that second part never made it though...
So it's that kind of smoking too! When you hear smoking, you know, this isn't the type of smoking you think about... love the twist though. And the saturated brown/gray style. Pretty good.
Another really awesome intro! :D Maybe not as long as... well, the longest, but the quality level... feels like you really surpassed earlier work with this one. Impressive. All flows together so perfectly too, fine-tuned and fluent. Nice work all.
The square's not so square after all. :) But more so: the circle came to terms with it too... such a simple premise but: kinda emotional ending nevertheless... the music probably chips in quite a bit too. I wonder how all of this would've been with real characters though, in a way it feels like shapes might've been used just to simplify, but then again they are a creative bit too, and it's like they create a story from what could've been a basic platformer element too in their current form. All pretty nice after all. Do like the shifting textures too.
Thank you so much for your response. I'm glad it's resonating with all emotionally who watch it.
Doing my Diploma was an amazing learning experience for me, letting me know that story is everywhere, and characters are all around, even rocks! So this was a challenge for me, and luckily, I learnt during my Diploma days that I FRIGGEN LOVE challenges.
This song really reminds me of some other song hmm... can't quite place it. Is there any intentional reference? Enjoying the twists here, fun twists in the beginning with the ear, the room, etc but... it took a dark turn towards the end there! Is that... death? Depression? The always-present darkness just waiting to consume us if we fall? If is there but... the world's not all bleak and black either! 19: it's just the beginning! Happy Birthday somehow doesn't seem that suitable to say right now but eh... hope you had one. Somewhat.
Anyway this was really well-done. Simple animation, but well-paced and smooth, good pace, good music (I mean your voice isn't amazing but: with that guitar it's not bad!), a really ominous finale too... nice sound design for the new partner too... interesting to see what kind of presence he might have in next year's animation. The LazyMuffin inspiration seems clear btw but I'm glad you're doing these too. Could be a fun wave for a lot of artists to jump on.
Thanks a lot dude. Happy to know that you enjoyed it.
For anyone who wants to see the tool part of the process the watermarks block things a bit, but otherwise: pretty smooth speedpaint.
thank you, this will be something i'll keep in mind next time i make a video
Bamboo Shoots!
Age 35, Male
Joined on 1/17/04