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Immense! It really was. I'm always impressived by how even though it just keeps going it never grows dull... it's one thing after the other all the time, always something new, always something more, always some twist or gateway... and the most impressive scenes are definitely the ones where there's a battle with not just the one and his foes but both of them. That coordination, maybe that's the one thing that really sets this apart from so many others. Great attention to detail and all too, even if the story at this point is just... well, it's Madness! It's out of control. Some much gamification sometimes. Matrix vibes. Portal inspirations... maybe? Love it. Can't wait for whatever's up next.

Though this was definitely worth the wait!


With some of the scenes the still images almost make it seem more like an animatic than an animation, but most of the time it goes well with the style. Was wondering where it would all lead after that introduction, and the random character introductions thereafter... sorry the dude with the banana had to be sacrificed for progress to be made but... seems to be getting interesting now!

Looking forward to seeing how this all pans out. My kind of comedy. The guys in the truck too: class.


TheWhaleAnimation responds:

Hey Cyberdevil!
Recognise ya from reviewing a game I posted up in '16 or so! Happy to see you're still around!

The animatic look was intended, the original scope of the project was completely in animatic form but as time went on we added a bit of motion to make the visuals flow better.
Happy you're enjoying the story, it goes some pretty weird places pretty quickly.

Looking forward to hearing what ya think of episode 2!
Thanks for the review!

So short but: not bad! :) Looking forward to seeing the full thing all together.


Mexican64 responds:

The full thing is already out ;)

What a happy6 vibe with this one. :D Heartfelt but packed with comedy too, and the animation's all solid too. Some of the lipsync though... at least a few moments where the mouth didn't really seem to follow the world. But: minor details. Some of the song wasn't all that easy to catch either so if it is a play on that: not bad! It goes together nicely overall. Good music. Good fun.


MiltoniusArts responds:

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. :D

Could really use some new VA talent with this one! Idea's good but eh... could really use one more VA here! A female one. All good otherwise.


If only life was that easy. :) Soo they went back in time aand... they didn't really do anything with that time yet! Next episode: might be interesting.


Now I really wasn't expecting that! XD Long time since I had a laugh like this. Love it. Also wasn't expecting his voice to sound hike like his voice did the first time he said something but... that little detail's forgotten quick with the rest of it.


Foamy speaking the truth again! These unnecessary categories we place both ourselves and all those we know within... the world would be better without 'em.


Another pretty impressive part of the collab! Nice work. Getting all the more hyped up for this thing.


Bamboo Shoots!

Age 35, Male




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